Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 9-22-17
P. 3

Citizens Talk About Being Prepared For ‘Hurricane Irma’
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Last weekend, instead of attending functions and events, Florida residents were scrambling to prepare for Hurricane Irma. Once again, we avoided a direct hit from the storm, but we came close.
Some Sentinel readers shared comments about their preparation for the storm.
Mrs. Marie Tarver White said, “Because of God’s Grace and Mercy we are here safe. Like many, I wasn’t fully prepared, but now I am. God gives us wis- dom to be prepared for things like this. I feel God is trying to tell us something.
“He always has a way to get our attention. I am very grateful and thankful for this season. We all came together for a common cause to help, aid, and assist one an- other. That’s what it’s all about.”
Danny Green said, “We dodged another hurricane in Hillsborough County, but hurricane season is not over until November 1st. I did not do much for the hurricane I have faith in God. If you lis-
ten to the media you will be so terrified and panicked.
“Lots of people paniced and left the state, You do not have to leave the state to get prepared for a hurricane, you just go to a shelter if you don't feel safe in your home. Thank God in my neighbor- hood there were no power outages or flooding.”
Rev. Karen Jackson Sims said, “Our family was prepared, but I was surprised by the number of folk who were not. We have been blessed again and I pray this does not make us believe that
it could never be us.”
Dr. Samuel Wright
said, “I tried to get prepared, but didn't stay at my abode; I went to visit my cousin. I will try to stay prepared, but my preparation is being covered and protected by the Holy Spirit!”
Ricky Williams said, “Yes, I was; however, I was not really impacted by Hur- ricane Irma.”
Ross Anderson said, “I prepared myself two week
prior to Hurricane Irma turning our direction be- cause I saw what happened in Texas. I didn't want to be out trying to buys things at the last minute.
“As far as electricity is concerned, I feel that no mat- ter what you do you can never be prepared enough to go without AC for more than a day. This Florida humidity is a killer!”
Mrs. Tonya Lewis said, “‘Hurricane Irma’ made a lot of us prepare, considering what happen to Texas the week before.
“It caused me to have sleepless nights. Hurricane Irma made me pray and prepare. Thank God we had time. The way these hurri- canes are coming back-to- back is making me stay prepared. My heart goes out to surrounding states and countries that are gravely af- fected”

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