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Think Twice Before You Swing
oys aren't supposed to hit
girls. I assumed that this was something most men were taught as kids. But, judging by the number of cases of domestic violence that keep popping up in the news, it seems as though some guys never learned that lesson.
Two of those clueless indi- viduals would be Rueben Fos- ter and Kareem Hunt. A pair of star NFL athletes who have ruined their reputations, and possibly careers, because they thought it was a good idea to play the role of daddy to fully grown women.
These types of incidents happen so frequently that it re- cently dawned on me that part of the problem could be that ha- bitual abusers may need some type of guidance with control- ling their violent tendencies to- ward the opposite sex. While schooling young women on how to spot one of these creeps helps to keep them out of harm's way, assisting the perpetrators with their rage may go even further in eliminating the issue all to- gether.
With that being the case, I've come up with 9 things every woman beater can do to prevent himself from placing his hands on a significant other.
9.) Think Twice: Before you allow your frustration to build up, reflect long and hard about the potential conse- quences that come with your ac- tions. She's not the root cause of any of your problems, but hurt-
ing her will definitely make things a lot worse.
8.) Place Your Daugh- ter, Mother Or Sister In Her Shoes: How would you feel if somebody did to your loved one what you're about to do to her? Always remember that every woman has male family members who love her as much as you care about the women in your life. You know what you would do to someone who brought harm to yours. Her father, son or brother thinks the exact same way.
7.) Avoid Women Who Like To Argue: If you already know you have a short fuse, why place yourself in a situation where it will stay constantly lit? A fire can't burn without fuel to feed it.
6.) Pick A Fight With A Stronger Opponent: If you really enjoy scuffling, I have a suggestion. Walk through a neighborhood like Sulphur Springs with $100 bill in your hand and dare someone to take it from you. Do that a few times and I'm willing to wager that, if you survive, you'll be cured from even thinking about engaging in another physical confrontation.
5.) Stop Viewing Her As Your Property: She's your wife of girlfriend... not your slave. She can do whatever she wants with her body. If that means she wants to share it with someone else, it's her preroga- tive. Beating her won't make her any more loyal or submissive. It will just make her want to get
even further away from you. In that scenario it would be best to simply part ways.
4.) Learn How To Swal- low Your Pride: This isn't easy to do but, at times, it's a must. A man isn't measured by how often he lashes out to prove his strength, but by how many times he shows restraint against a much weaker foe.
3.) Deal With Your Mommy Issues: Making every woman pay for what oc- curred in your childhood won't make the pain go away. It will only cause you to look like more of a punk in the eyes of others.
2.) Never Forget That Karma Is Real: I can't recall one man, who abused women in life, who grew old surrounded by a loving family. Most are so despised by their children, be- cause of what they did to their mothers, that they typically end up living, dying and rotting in complete solitude. I don't think anyone wants to be that dude.
1.) Come Out Of The Closet: It's not a secret that many of the men who beat on women turn out to be repressed homosexuals (comedian Richard Pryor being one of the most infamous). Don't get mad at her because she's not a man. Do yourself and her a favor by accepting your LGBTQ truth and allowing each of you to live the stress free lives the both of you deserve.
Of course, none of this means anything if the men who engage in this kind of behavior aren't willing to change. Hope- fully they will come to their senses and discover the error of their ways because, if they don't, it will be a sad day when they end up harming the wrong woman and unexpectedly find themselves the ultimate victim of their own bull----.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at: cbarronice@gmail.- com.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
Church Safety
ongratulations to the 64 pastors and church
leaders who attended the Church Security Plan- ning for Leadership Personnel workshop, a week ago. Religious leaders from throughout the mid-Florida area converged on First Baptist Church of College Hill to learn how to keep their congregations, children, and staff safe while on church and school premises.
To the surprise of several of the attendees, the training was based upon numerous scripture writings among which were Romans 13:3-7, Matthew 10:10-16, First Peter 5:8, Nehemiah 4:9, and Acts 20: 28-31, which are considered part of the Biblical Authority for protecting the church flock.
Indeed, there have been 1,700 violent church at- tacks since 1999 with 261 attacks taking place in 2017, and the rate is increasing.
Therefore, the training also addressed not only se- curity and safety, but introduced training that helps decrease the church liability exposure and help man- age existing risk. Being prepared to address people who believe differently about religion or bear hatred towards religious groups makes, “good business sense” and does not interfere with the “core mission” of the church.
Moreover, one trainee stated that “nonsensical statements such as “God will provide,” “we are pro- tected by . . .,” or “a lack of faith exists if we have to have locked doors or armed parishioners,” ignores the words in Matthew 24:23, First Timothy 5:8, and Proverbs 28:4-5. In addition, “it ignores the fact that God gives us a brain, and feet to use in our defense.”
Therefore, we suggest that every church consider protecting its premises and its congregation. We need to make certain that every church, synagogue, temple, and mosque in America is prepared to protect its con- gregation.
Remember, God helps those who help themselves. After all, open eyes and open doors do not contradict each other.
And remember the Jewish statement recalling the dark days of Nazi violence and race-hate: “NEVER AGAIN!”