Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 4-5-16 Edition
P. 19
Two Plead Guilty To
Hillsborough County Escapee Captured In Texas
Selling Crack Cocaine
According to the U. S. De- partment of Justice, two Tampa residents entered guilty pleas on charges of conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine and distributing crack cocaine.
Jeffrey Zaccanti, 29, and Sadena Raynor, 36, pleaded guilty to both counts. Zaccanti is facing a manda- tory minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 40 years in federal prison. Raynor is facing a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.
The plea agreements stated that on three separate occasions in January 2016, Zaccanti and Raynor sold crack cocaine to an under- cover detective from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. The transactions oc- curred in the parking lot of an apartment complex. On each occasion, authorities said Raynor arranged the trans- action and then either Zac- canti or Raynor completed the transaction with the un- dercover detective.
A 21-year-old Tampa es- capee has been arrested in Kimble County, Texas. The man fled after cutting off his monitoring device.
According to the Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff’s Office, Kevin Michael Mc- Gruder, of Riverview, was arrested by the Kimble County Sheriff’s Office in Kimble, Texas. He is also fac- ing charges in that county. Police said McGruder will be returned to Hillsborough County to face additional charges, including escape and altering or damaging an elec- tronic monitoring device.
McGruder left his resi- dence without permission around 11:45 a.m., Friday. Po- lice received an alert indicat- ing that his monitoring device had been tampered with or
removed, less than an hour later.
Police began searching for McGruder, but were unable to locate him. They then is- sued a warrant for his arrest.
After escaping, police re- ceived a call from a victim who had been carjacked. Based on information devel-
oped from investigating the carjacking, police issued an- other warrant for Mc- Gruder. The warrant charged him with armed kid- napping, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, and carjacking with a deadly weapon.
Police did not release the identity of the vehicle or the location where the carjacking took place. However, they did state that McGruder was possibly driving a 2008 silver GMC Yukon. The vehicle was recovered in Kimble County, Texas.
On Sunday, the Kimble County Sheriff’s Office noti- fied the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office that Mc- Gruder had been located and taken into custody, police said.
Assaulted With Bat During Home Invasion
Police Identify
Man Accused Of Battering, Threatening Pregnant Wife
Hillsborough County Sher- iff’s deputies are investigating a possible home invasion that occurred Thursday night at a residence in the 9600 block of Davis Road near Temple Ter- race Highway.
Deputies said the victim was an adult male who was
struck with a bat. He was transported to a local hospital with non-life threatening in- juries.
Detectives conducted in- terviews and are trying to es- tablish a motive for the incident and description of the suspects.
Robbery, Attempted Murder Suspect Arrested
St. Petersburg Police Homicide Detectives have identified a man found dead inside a home at 2440 Irving Avenue, South last Thursday.
After receiving a tip of a dead body inside a residence, detectives said Antwan La- mont Grace, 22, was found dead inside the home.
Detectives have not estab- lished a motive for the murder and no suspects have been identified at this time.
struck the woman two to three times in the face, deputies said.
Davis also allegedly threatened the woman telling her he was going to shoot her. The victim told deputies she was afraid because she knew he had guns and had committed violence in the past.
Davis left for a few hours with the baby then returned to pick up the woman. While driving, Davis reportedly had a firearm in his lap. That’s when the victim sent the text message to her mother.
Davis dropped the victim off at home and left with a friend. Deputies found him later, and reported he had a handgun in his waistband. Davis is a registered felon and has not had his rights re- stored. He also had an active warrant for previous battery on the victim in December.
Davis was charged with felony domestic battery on a pregnant female, aggravated assault with a firearm, pos- session of a firearm by a con- victed felon, and culpable negligence/exposure to harm. His bail has been set at $35,000.
Man Found Dead
Inside Home
Deputies in Brooksville announced that a 31-year-old man was arrested after al- legedly striking his pregnant wife and threatening her with a gun.
On Thursday, authorities received a call from the vic- tim’s mother reporting the assault on her daughter.
The mother phoned au- thorities after she received a text message from her daughter saying an armed person was threatening to shoot her and that she shouldn’t text back.
The message also said the daughter was in the family vehicle and one of her chil- dren was with her.
Deputies went to the daughter’s home to check on her welfare. The daughter was at home with her 8- month-old child. Her hus- band, Jon Cristian Davis, was not there.
The woman was taken to the Sheriff’s Office to be in- terviewed. She reportedly told deputies Davis had be- come increasingly agitated during the day, starting when he had accidentally killed pet fish while cleaning their tank. After leaving the home for a while he returned saying he wanted to visit a relative.
When Davis and the vic- tim arrived at the residence, he reportedly told her to put the baby down. The victim didn’t’ comply because she didn’t want to put the baby down on the concrete.
Davis reportedly tried to strike her while she was hold- ing the baby, but he fell down, barely making contact with her. He got back up and
On Friday, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Rob- bery Unit requested assis- tance from the Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force in locating 19-year-old Tri- cail Mack.
Representatives from both departments responded to the Longwood area of Or- lando where they believed Mack was hiding. A detective spotted Mack walking and when he saw the detectives, he reportedly fled into a neighborhood.
Authorities set up a perimeter in the area and Mack was found hiding in a shed. He was arrested, and will be transferred to Polk County.
Mack’s Polk County charges are related to an inci- dent that occurred February 17, 2016. Mack and an ac-
complice reportedly met with two people at a Chevron Sta- tion, 3235 Dundee Road in Winter Haven, to allegedly purchase a half-pound of marijuana. During the trans- action, Mack reportedly robbed and shot one of the victims in the leg. He then fled. He was positively identi- fied and detectives obtained a warrant for his arrest.
The investigation is con- tinuing into the identity of the second suspect.
Uncle Sandy
The fragrance of flowers 3, 9, 15, 27 spreads only in the direction of the wind. 8, 10, 35, 37 But the good- ness of a person 4, 40, 43, 47 spreads in all directions. 6, 12, 30, 55.