Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 11-17-17
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  Get Documentaries About Black Achievers On DVD
 Nationwide — Morehouse College graduate, Rex Bar- nett, has produced one of the largest documentary catalogs in the nation featuring Black achievers. “We have to own our own media companies that produce programs about us,” said Mr. Barnett. “I started History On Video to show the positive side of Black people. For me, this has been a labor of love.”
Mr. Barnett’s publishing company now has 62 docu- mentaries available covering education, entertainment and sports. Legendary educator Benjamin Mays, mentor of Martin Luther King, Jr., is profiled.
“Knowledge of our history is
Morehouse alum Rex Barnett has produced one of the largest documentary catalogs in the nation featuring Black achievers.
  what we need for pride and to empower ourselves,” said Mr. Barnett.
Among the influential peo- ple endorsing Mr. Barnett’s programs are: President Carter, Chuck D, MC Lyte and Hank Aaron. Other pro-
files feature Mary McLeod Bethune, Paul Robeson, Richard Wright, Ben Car- son, The Last Poets, Chuck D and MC Lyte. There are 62 programs in the series.
For more information, go to
  Amazon CEO Is Richest In World
 There was a shakeup at the top of the list of the world's richest people. That title no longer belongs to Microsoft founder Bill Gates ($89.3 billion).
A surge in Amazon stock after the company's earnings report for the third quarter el- evated its founder, Jeff Bezos, above Gates in terms of net worth, making him the richest man in the world.
Bezos also owns, The Washington Post and Whole Foods.
Jeff Bezos also differs from other high profile billion- aire philanthropists in that he is not a member of The Giving Pledge. Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.’s Warren Buffett
Jeff Bezos is the richest per- son in the world at $94.8 bil- lion.
($78.9 billion), and Face- book’s Mark Zuckerberg ($74 billion) have all taken the pledge and vowed to give at least half of their wealth away before they die.
   Toddler Dies After Eating Grilled Cheese At School
  HARLEM, NY — Food al- lergies have taken another life!
Elijah Silvera, a 3-year old who was a student at Sev- enth Avenue Center for Fam- ily Services in Harlem, was given a grilled cheese sand- wich on November 3, 2017 and he had a dairy allergy.
According to Elijah’s mother was called instead of 911 and she had to drive him to the hospital. It is unknown if an Epi-pen was
Elijah Silvera died after eat- ing a grilled cheese sandwich at school.
on site at the school.
If this is true precious time
had been wasted and ulti- mately the toddler’s life was cut short.
A GoFundMe crowdsourc- ing page has been set up for funeral expenses as well as cost of a second and inde- pendent autopsy.
The family states that it is unclear where responsibility for Elijah’s death will fall between the pre-k and the hospital itself.
   Private Boston College To Name School After Journalist Gwen Ifill
 BOSTON, MA — A college in Boston will name one of its schools after the late Gwen Ifill (EYE’-ful), a co-host of PBS’ “NewsHour” and veteran journalist who moderated two vice presidential debates.
Simmons College an- nounced Tuesday the Gwen Ifill College of Media, Arts and Humanities in honor of Ifill, who graduated from the private college with a commu- nications degree in 1977.
A former reporter for The New York Times and The Washington Post, Ifill switched to television in the 1990s and covered politics and Congress for NBC News. She moved to PBS in 1999 as host of “Washington Week” and also worked for the nightly “NewsHour” program. She and Judy Woodruff were named co-hosts in 2013.
The school's official name
Award winning journalist, Gwen Ifill moderated 2 vice presidential debates.
change will take place in July, 2018.
Her family is donating her documents, honorary degrees and blazers she wore when she moderated debates to the school's archives.
Ifill died of cancer last year at age 61.
    Hate Crimes Up Against Blacks At All-Time High
 Hate crimes rose for the sec- ond straight year in 2016, with increases in attacks motivated by bias against Blacks, Jews, Muslims and LGBT people, ac- cording to FBI statistics re- leased Monday.
There were more than 6,100 hate crimes last year, up about 5 percent over the previous year. In 2015 and 2016, that number was driven by crimes against people because of their race or ethnicity.
More than half the 4,229 racially motivated crimes were against Black people, while 20
Hate crimes are on the rise. White supremacists at Char- lottesville rally beat up a black man.
percent were against whites, the report shows. And Jews were targeted in more than half the 1,538 crimes that were motivated by religion.
Crimes fueled by bias against LGBT people rose from 203 in 2015 to 234 last year.
The yearly report is the most comprehensive account- ing of hate crimes in the U.S. But authorities have long warned it is incomplete, in part because it is based on volun- tary reporting by police agen- cies across the country.
     Man Who Slipped On Watermelon Display At Walmart Awarded $7.5M
  Father Allegedly Kills Teen Son Because He Was Gay
 LAS VEGAS, NV — A Nevada man charged with shooting his 14-year-old son to death last week disapproved of the teen’s sexual orientation and had threatened him over it, friends said.
Wendell Melton, 53, told police he accidentally shot his son, Giovanni Melton, Thursday during a heated argu- ment over the boy skipping school, Henderson police said.
Melton told police his son shoved him to the ground. He said he got up, pulled a hand- gun and accidentally shot the teen in the chest, according to a police report obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Giovanni, who was al- lowed by his father to live alone
Wendell Melton fatally shot his son, Giovanni.
  in the apartment outside Las Vegas, was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, police said.
“Giovanni was abused physically and mentally and spiritually for many, many years,”a family friend said.
“He hated the fact that his son was gay,” she said of
Melton. She added that she had heard from Giovanni’s friends that his father once pulled a gun on him after find- ing him with his boyfriend. “I’m sure that inside of his mind, he would rather have a dead son than a gay son,” she said.
 This is the display at Walmart that cause the accident.
PHENIX CITY, AL —- Henry Walker slipped and fell while picking up a water- melon in an Alabama Wal- mart.
A jury decided to award him $7.5M after his lawyer successfully argued that the retailer didn’t care enough to secure a pallet where the fruit was placed and subse-
quently entrapped the man’s foot.
The incident actually hap- pened in July 2015. Walker, who was once quite agile and used to play sports was 59- years-old at the time. But after his foot got caught and was subsequently broken — along with his hip — he has had to use a walker.

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