Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 3-29-16 Edition
P. 4
Superintendent Shakeup:
Top Level School Employees Must Re-Apply For Jobs
JEFF EAKINS Superintendent, Hillsborough County School Superintendent
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
In upcoming weeks, the Hillsborough County School District will begin accepting applications. The positions available are those currently held on the Superintendent’s senior staff.
This marks the second time since his appointment on July 1, 2015, that Jeff Eakins, Su- perintendent of the Hillsbor- ough County School District, has instituted a major shakeup among top level employees.
Supt. Eakins said the dis- trict will accept applications for the positions from outside as well as from within the district.
The positions will be adver- tised and Supt. Eakins hopes to conduct the interview and hiring process quickly. He plans to have all of the posi- tions filled by July 1, 2016.
Everyone on his cabinet, are at-will employees and will be required to re-apply for their positions.
Supt. Eakins further stated that he feels the re-orga- nization is best for the school district and the community. He added that his plan also in- cludes long-range succession planning.
“I’m not appointing all new people. I plan to maintain sta- bility. It’s not that I have lost confidence. But, I am looking for the right skill-sets. This al- lows me the opportunity to look at all potential applicants.
“There are no guarantees,
DR. LEWIS BRINSON Chief Diversity Officer
CHRISTOPHER FARKAS Chief Operations Officer
OWEN YOUNG Area Superintendent, Priority Schools
and everyone will go through a unique interview process. I will be re-defining some positions. All Area Superintendents will also be required to re-apply. A certain expectation is required for every role,” Eakins said.
Members of his Cabinet who will be required to re- apply and interview for their jobs and the positions they hold are: Dr. Lewis Brinson, Chief Diversity Officer; Gretchen Saunders, Chief Business Officer; Christo- pher Farkas, Chief Opera- tions Officer; Stephanie Woodford, Chief Human Re-
GRETCHEN SAUNDERS Chief Business Officer
STEPHANIE WOODFORD Chief Human Resources Officer
HENRY WASHINGTON Area 4 Superintendent
sources Officer, and Owen Young, Area Superintendent, Priority Schools.
All of the current Area Su- perintendents must re-apply and complete the interview process as well. They are: Area 1, Maribeth Brooks; Area 2, Lisa Yost; Area 3, Brenda Grasso; Area 4, Henry Washington; Area 5, Sher- rie Sikes; Area 6, Jerry Jackson; Area 7, Sharon Morris, and Area 8, Marcos Murillo.
Jerry Jackson, Area Su- perintendent for Area 6 is retir- ing.
Director Credited With Formation Of County Call Center
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Edit0r
In the past, an individual wishing to contact one County Office was forced to listen to automated mes- sages. This often led to frus- tration on the part of the caller.
However, the suggestion of a Hillsborough County em- ployee eliminated the prob- lem by suggesting the creation of a call center.
Mrs. Bonnie Rushing
said the idea came about when Tampa hosted the 2012 Republican Convention. Dur- ing that week, many of the of- fices downtown relocated and brought several employees together in one office.
At the time, Mrs. Rush- ing was employed as a super- visor and given the task of managing the employees. “It worked and it was really awe- some,” Mrs. Rushing said.
When she made the sug- gestion to consolidate the of- fice and create a call center, she was given the opportunity to write the proposal.
The feasibility of the idea was researched and the pro- gram was put into place last year. And, the next step was to bring all of the information clerks together under one roof.
Today, Mrs. Rushing serves as the Director of the Hillsborough County Clerk of Circuit Court Call Center. Her staff includes 2 managers and 19 employees.
She feels the Call Center is a success because “We make sure that all calls that come into the center are answered, and we don’t leave calls in the cue when we close. We have some employees come in later and stay later.”
Mrs. Rushing began her career with Hillsborough County government in 1986 as an Accounting Clerk, II. She has held several positions during her 30-year tenure.
MRS. BONNIE RUSHING ... Director of Call Center Customer Service
A Tampa native, Mrs. Rushing attended the public schools of Hillsborough County and graduated from Brandon High School in 1978. She continued her ed- ucation at Hillsborough Com- munity College.
She is married to John Rushing and the mother of 3 biological children. How- ever, she said she raised 4 of her best friend’s children after she died unexpectedly.
She is a member of St. John Cathedral and enjoys spending time with her fam- ily, (that includes 10 children) helping others, shopping and volunteering.
Mrs. Rushing said, “When I started here I knew everyone African American if not by name, by sight. But di- versity has really grown under Mrs. Frank, and di- versity is why our office is a success. “When you come here, you see people who look like you. We have a very di- verse office.”
Mrs. Pat Frank, Hills- borough County Clerk of the Circuit Court said, “Bonnie is an outstanding member of our team and has done more than expected on our reor- ganization. She always treats customers with respect and delivers efficient results. She is a great example of the qual- ity employees we have at the Clerk’s Office.”