Page 7 - Florida Sentinel 2-19-16 Edition
P. 7

White House News
President Obama Says He
President And Mrs. Obama Won’t Attend Funeral
Still Does Not Feel Donald
“President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will pay their respects to the late Justice Antonin Scalia as he lies in repose at the Supreme Court,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest announced at Wednesday’s daily briefing.
Earnest indicated that the President will not
attend the funeral mass scheduled for Saturday at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immacu- late Conception.
“I can tell you that Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden will attend Justice Scalia's fu- neral at the Basilica on Saturday," Earnest said.
Trump Will Be President
"I continue to believe that Donald Trump will not be President. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people," said President Barack Obama recently.
Mr. Trump, a billionaire businessman, is the frontrun- ner in the race to be his party's choice for the White House.
He has won one state pri- mary already, and leads the polls in South Carolina, where Republicans vote on Saturday.
Speaking at the Asean eco- nomic summit in California, the President was asked by a reporter about Mr. Trump.
The electorate will not pick him, said the President, be- cause "they recognize that being President is a serious job".
"It's not hosting a talk show or a reality show, it's not pro- motion, it's not marketing, it's hard. It's not a matter of pan- dering and doing whatever will get you in the news on a given day."
Senate Majority Leader
Pens Campaign Email
Against President Obama
Nominating New
Supreme Court Justice
The campaign arms for both Senate Republicans and Democ- rats are moving rapidly to capi- talize on Mitch McConnell's plans to block a new Supreme Court nominee.
On Wednesday, the majority leader penned an email to donors and Democrats sent a fundraising solicitation off of McConnell's strategy within minutes of each other.
McConnell clearly sees some political payoff in his con- troversial strategy, writing a let- ter to potential donors from the National Republican Senatorial Committee telling them their "support means everything at this pivotal moment in Ameri- can history."
"Senate Republicans have made a commitment to ensur- ing that the American people have a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court Jus- tice," McConnell wrote on Wednesday. "Stand with Senate Republicans as we hold our
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s email to capitalize on plans to block a Supreme Court nominee.
ground in waiting to confirm a new justice until after 2016, the time by which the American people will have chosen a new president and a new direction for our country.

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