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   Todd ‘TC’ Cole Joins District 5 City Council Race
 Former Boys and Girls Clubs Vice Presi- dent, Todd “TC” Cole, has filed to run in the Tampa City Council District 5 race. Cole, 52, was born and raised in District 5 and wants to continue serving his community as a member of City Council.
He is the son of the late James Cole (Cole’s 40th Street Barber Shop) and the grandson of Robert Cole and the late Made- lyne Cole of Cole’s Barber & Beauty Shops.
Cole is aware that there is a crowded field in the District 5 race, but feels that his strong foundation in the communities of the district will allow him to be the best advocate to effec- tively communicate the needs of the district’s residents. He wants to serve all members of the community and will include in his cam- paign non-traditional research for voters living in District 5.
“There is a legacy of advocacy representa- tion for the working class in our district. I want to make sure that future development and progress does not exclude our voices,” said Cole.
Cole has deep roots in the District having grown up in West Tampa in the Columbus Court Apartments, as well as in East Tampa off MLK Jr. Blvd. (formerly Buffalo Ave.) and 34th Street. He attended Jackson Heights 6th Grade Center, Young 7th Grade Center as well Mid- dleton Jr. High (now Ferrell Middle School), before going on to graduate from King High School in 1983.
He attended USF out of high school where he became a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fra- ternity, Inc., and eventually went on to earn his Bachelor’s Degree in Organization Studies with a concentration on Non-Profit Manage- ment and Leadership at Eckerd College, grad- uating with High Honors.
Todd also played football with the Vikings at Jackson Heights Playground. He went on to a long career working with children at the National Youth Sports Program (USF), Hills- borough County Parks and Recreation, and
...Candidate, Tampa City Council, District 5
over 20 years with Boys and Girls Clubs. Dur- ing his time with Boys and Girls Clubs, he touched many lives in almost every commu- nity within District 5.
Cole is the father of two (Todd Jr. and Russell) and has one grandchild (Xylan).
His campaign headquarters will be at Cole’s Barber & Beauty Shop at 3407 E. MLK Jr. Blvd., Tampa 33610. Cedric Washing- ton, also a 1983 King High Graduate and Teacher at Memorial Middle School, will serve as his Campaign Treasurer. Keep watching the Florida Sentinel Bulletin for the Campaign Kick-Off event, as well as scheduled fundrais- ing events.
If you would like to join, donate or help the campaign, send contact information to his campaign email at or by cell phone at 813.760.6924.
The 2019 City of Tampa Municipal Election will take place on March 5, 2019.
    Elementary School To Host Family Friendly STEM Day
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Saturday, May 12th, an East Tampa elementary school will host a family-ori- ented fun day. The event takes place from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
The “Foster Elemen- tary Presents “STEM NOLA With Dr. Calvin Mackie” will be held at Sligh Middle Magnet School, 2011 E. Sligh Avenue. It is free and open to the public.
A portion of the organiza- tion’s name is an acronym for Science, Technology, En- gineering, and Math. And this will be the focus of the day. Parents and students in attendance will have an op- portunity to participate with the hand-ons activities. Chil- dren and adults of all ages are invited to perform exper- iments, design and program robots, build toothpick tow- ers, fly drones, and launch rockets.
While the event is open to the public, planners warn that it is not a “drop off” site and parents or guardians must accompany the stu- dents.
STEM NOLA is an organ- ization founded by Dr. Calvin Mackie, a New Or- leans native and former En- gineering professor at Tulane University. Its pur-
pose is to Expose, Inspire, and Engage members of the community and make them aware of STEM opportuni- ties.
Those participating in the fun day will have the oppor- tunity to obtain 21st century skills in communication, col- laboration, and critical thinking.
Dr. Mackie graduated from Morehouse College. He completed his degree in Mathematics, graduating Magna Cum Laude and a member of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. He was si- multaneously awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Me- chanical Engineering from Georgia Tech, where he sub- sequently earned his Mas- ter’s and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering.

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