Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 11-10-15 Edition
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Channel 13 News
Anchor Set To Announce
Her Retirement
Denise White, the noon and 5 p. m. news anchor on FOX’s WTVT Channel 13 is expected to announce her retirement on air this after- noon.
White has been at WTVT since 1990 when she was paired with Kathy Fountain to co- anchor the mid-day news.
White is expected to retire later this month.
(MoreonMs.Whitewillappearinournext DENISEWHITE edition.)
CDC Building Housing Development In East Tampa
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
The CDC of Tampa will uti- lize the Neighborhood Lending Partner (NLP) managed fund for the construction of affordable homes on a parcel of land pur- chased from the Tampa Housing Authority.
NLP is a non-profit multi- bank lending consortium that provides financing to developers of affordable housing and com- munity revitalization. They are launching the Florida Minority Impact Housing Fund (FMIHF) to help revitalized communities across Florida.
The official announcement will take place Wednesday, No- vember 18th at 10 a.m. at the cor- ner of North 34th Street and 28th Avenue in East Tampa. This will be the future site of Beacon Homes, a development of 14 sin- gle-family houses financed through the FMIHF.
NLP President and CEO, Debra Reyes said, “We’re thrilled to establish the Florida Minority Impact Housing Fund and know that Beacon Homes will be a wonderful addition to East Tampa and vital part in the area’s revitalization efforts.
“Quality, affordable housing should be available to all Florida residents and it is our goal to create those opportunities in as many communities as possible.”
CDC of Tampa
Coney, Jr. said, the project will be a signature one in East Tampa.
“This project will help make East Tampa a community of choice.
“We expect to break ground on the project during the first quarter of 2016. It is also vital that there be inclusion on this project, and that means resi- dents in the area around the proposed project.”
Coney said the homes will be affordable to low and moder- ate income structures that will be priced from $120,000 to $160,000.
“Because property values are going up, and we’ve rehabbed properties that are now worth $100,000 or more in the area, we feel comfortable with the prices of the homes.”
Bank of America and Wells Fargo are the primary support-
This is a conceptual design of what the proposed Beacon Homes project will look like. This conceptual design is subject to change as the project moves forward.
ers of the $3 million FMIHF, which provides loan programs and products for the develop- ment of affordable housing. The fund serves non-profit develop- ers faith-based organizations, community development corpo- rations and organizations mak- ing an impact in underserved communities across the state.
Church To Give Back One Grocery Bag At A Time
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
During the holiday season, many churches and commu- nity organizations help those less fortunate. And this year is no exception.
However, members of Tri- umph and Deliverance Cathe- dral Church Of God In Christ, 2225 E. 109th Avenue, are using a different approach to giving back. The church, along with the partnership of other businesses, will host their An- nual Holiday of Thanks Gro- cery Bag Giveaway on Sunday, November 15th. The giveaway will take place during the 11 a.m. worship.
Pastor Elvis J. Piggott,
Senior Pastor of the church said, “Over the last nine years, this church has been a demon- stration of a church outside of the four walls by hosting vari- ous community-focused events. Community outreach is the heart of the church.
“It is our commitment to demonstrate the love of God in our community by lending a hand to the less fortunate and those that may have encoun-
tered a difficult time during the holiday season.”
In keeping with this philos- ophy, Pastor Piggott and the congregation plan to give away 500 bags of groceries. ”
Each grocery bag will in- clude thanksgiving food items, but most importantly, they will leave families with hope. “We are new to this area, but we are committed to make a lasting impact on this community.”
To participate in the Holi- day of Thanks Grocery Bag Giveaway, callers are asked to leave a voicemail at 813-399- 7129 or send an email to
The email should in- clude the person’s name, phone number, number of people in your household, and your reason for need- ing assistance this holiday season.
Those selected to partici- pate in the giveaway will be no- tified by 11/13/2015.
Anyone wishing make a do- nation of non-perishable items can do so on November 10th, from 6:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m., and 11/14 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Job Fair To Feature More Than 40 Companies
Red Carpet USA is hosting a job fair on Thursday, No- vember 12, 2015, at the Florida State Fairgrounds, 10 a.m.-3p.m.Morethan40 companies have committed to participate. There will be a special section for veterans. Many of the companies will train those they hire.
Red Carpet USA has part- nered with the Hillsborough County Branch NAACP, Tampa Tribune and Arrow Sign Spinners t0 host the job fair.
Some of the positions the businesses are trying to fill are: administrative, clerical, teachers, bus drivers, custodial, lunch room helpers, computer learning, SNAP Program, market manager, systems administrator, agribusi- ness coordinator, sea- sonal employees, bi-lingual Spanish inter-
preters, radio sales, CNAs, RNs, home health aides, toll collectors, deputies, dispatchers, in- vestigators, claims adjus- tors, firefighters, EMT, substitute teachers, sales, warehouse drivers, welders, call center oper- ators, and many more.
Some of the companies that will be at the site are: Manpower, AARP, Direct General, Dept. of Consumer and Veterans Service, Hills- borough County Sheriff’s Of- fice, Tampa Toll Operations, Quest, Webster University, CDC of Tampa, ITT Technical, Arrow Sign Spinners, Hills- borough County Board of Ed- ucation, Centre For Women, LaSalle Computer Learning, and others.
There will be resume re- view and classes every hour.
For more information, please call (813) 943-8583.

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