Page 20 - 6-19-15 Friday's Edition
P. 20
Remembering Dad
Celebrating Dad
Happy Father’s Day
We miss you so much, especially on this Father’s Day. It has been almost 1 year since you left us, al- though it seems like yesterday.
When you left us, I did not know how I could go on without you. It was like my life had fallen apart.
I began to think about the talks we would have, and times I did not want to listen about things to do or to know, if you were not here.
Looking back, I do not know what I would have done without you. I thank you for all the knowledge that you instilled in me.
Thanks for being gracious and wonderful husband and father. It was so hard to let you go, but we know you suffered so much, and know that you are in a better place.
We love you so much and miss you so , rest in peace, C. J.
Love, your wife, Rilla, and sons, Joey, Kevin, Ty- rone, and Daryl.
How To Keep Dad Healthy
It is quite common for men to ignore physical symptoms and health problems — tak- ing a huge gamble with their lives.
Research finds that men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited their doctor.
In addition, men are about 30% more likely than women to be hospitalized for pre- ventable conditions such as congestive heart failure and complications from diabetes.
Men are so good at taking care of their cars—tell them to think of their bodies in the same way.
Remind Him To Go To The Doctor
Dads simply cannot ignore the importance of certain tests, and he should be going to the doctor at least once a year for important checks and screenings. Just some of the exams he needs include blood pressure, blood tests for cho- lesterol, protein, prostate and thyroid function, and a colonoscopy.
Remind Him To Eat Better
Dads are well known for not having the best eating habits. The problem with this is that not only isn’t he getting the daily nutrients he needs,
but he’s probably running the risk of gaining weight, thus putting unnecessary strain on his heart and other organs. Also, when people have poor diets, they tend to be unhap- pier. So help dad out by stressing the importance of eating healthier. Prepare a healthy meal with him. When and if you two go out to din- ner, make sure you both order healthier options. Also, make sure that, if necessary, he’s taking the vitamins and sup- plements that his doctor rec- ommends.
Remind Him To Work Out
Everybody needs to exer- cise. Including dad. Consider- ing that the majority of heart disease patients are men, and that the majority of those cases can be prevented with exercise, make sure you help your dad get more active. Go on walks or runs with him. Be a buddy at the gym. Maybe even register and train with him for a marathon walk or run for charity.
Remind Him To Relax
Most dads work way too hard. So it’s very important to help encourage him to smile more and stress less by mak- ing sure he takes time to wind down. Buy him a spa certifi- cate for a massage. Watch funny movies with him. Or, simply encourage him to get enough rest every night.
The Healthy Father’s Day Gift Guide
A Supportive Pillow. A top-quality pillow can get a little pricey, but isn’t it worth it when
you consider all of
the health risks from
not sleeping well?
Help day sleep bet-
ter, lowering his risks
of heart disease, obe-
sity and diabetes. If dad
is a snorer, try buying him an anti-snore pillow.
A Healthy Gift Basket.
Every dad will agree that
there’s no greater gift
than food. So give your
dad a cool basket filled
with heart healthy
treats. Either buy a
pre-packed basket, or
make one yourself. Just
some healthy options in-
clude almonds, dark choco-
late, olive oil, popcorn kernels, even some of his favorite red wine.
Personal Training Sessions. Want to give your dad the gift of youth and help keep him around as long as possible? Then encourage him to exercise more by signing him up for a few training sessions. While you’re at it, why not buy him a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt...just so he can’t use not having the right gear as an excuse for
not working out.
Golf Clubs / Personalized Golf Balls. Is dad a golfer? Then get him his own set of clubs, or a set of personalized golf balls. While he’s enjoying
his sport and strengthening his heart, he’ll also be warming that heart by being reminded of the family that loves him.
Grilling Tools.
Some fathers like to cook. Some don’t. But...rare is the dad that doesn’t like to grill. This is just fine, since grilled food tends to be lower in fat and calories. So buy dad a new grill, or some
new grilling utensils.
A New Coffee Cup/Water Bottle. So many dads just
cannot live without their coffee, and all dads need to be drinking enough water every day. Just make sure that your choice is BPA- free!!
New gym gear. To help dad get in and stay in great shape, buy him some new workout clothes, or a new gym bag.
A Lunch Box. Encourage dad to pack his lunch more often by buying him a grown-up lunch box. There are so many options to choose from, and not only will he save money, but he’ll also tend to eat better throughout the day, and control health risks like obesity and heart disease.
iTunes Gift Card.
Whether he’s mak- ing playlists for his exercise rou- tine or down- loading apps, any dad would welcome the gift of being able to shop more for the music and apps he