Page 22 - 6-19-15 Friday's Edition
P. 22
It’s official, June 21st is the first day of Summer, enjoy it and make it safe!
Belated Birthday Wishes
Ms. Atkins is sending a belated birthday wish to Curtis Pate (6/5), Clarence Jackson (6/11), and Elera Carr (6/11).
June Birthday Celebrants
Ms. Lizzie Pearl Banks
is wished a very special happy birthday. She will turn 92 on June 25, 2015. This wish comes from her son, James Arthur “Fish” Miller and family.
Happy birthday to all June celebrants, including: Jennite Byrd, Bert Gra- ham, Serena Elston, Rev. Thomas Heyward, Jacqueline Preston, Irene Keaton, Ernestine Turner, Trinity Gra- ham, Matthew Dovonte, Nadine Jones, Roselia Young, Estella Moseley, Rufus Moseley, Stanley E. Wilson and Richard London, Jr.
Congratulations Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence and Regina Jackson, who ex- changed wedding vows on Saturday, June 13, 2015. We wish you a long and happy marriage!
Sick And Shut-Ins
Keep the following per- sons in your daily prayers: Keith Ennis, Rhonda Williams, Bob Anthony, Van Scott, David Snow, Marie Benson, Willie Mae Wright, Evelyn Mobley, Luvenia Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (Ernestine) Turner, Odessa Roberts and Gail Ruff.
Prayer Requests
Please extend your prayers to the following peo- ple: James E. Hinkle (un- spoken), Rodney Robinson (justice in his case), Larry Gadsden (peace), Corey Samuels, Lee Arthur Bean, Fred- die Jackson, Antwan Spivey, Justin L. Bow- ers, Charles Givens, Sr., and Kendyl Williams (un- spoken), Eric Walker, II (positive outcome in court), April Burke (personal is- sues), Eddie Powell (un- spoken), Rakeith A. Brooks (prayer for Mom, Georgetta Sherron (in ICU), and Rickey L. Butts (personal issues).
Red Hatters Event
The Red Hatters June- September Group hosted a “Hot Fun in the Summer- time” luncheon at the Bran- don Jr. Women’s Club on Moon Avenue on Saturday, June 13, 2015.
There were prizes, danc- ing, singing, games and lots of fun!!!
The menu consisted of baked chicken, yellow rice, medley of veggies, dinner rolls and ice tea. Dinner was topped off with a build your own sundae or apple pie alamode.
There were several visitors who joined them, one visitor from London. The event was a huge success!
Middleton Tigers’ 50th Class Reunion
On Sunday, June 14, 2015, yours truly met with MHS, Class of ‘65 at the Greater Mt. Carmel Church located at 4209 N. 34th Street, where Rev. R. A. Polk is Pas- tor for the 11 a. m. Service.
The sermon was delivered by Bishop A. J. Richardson, Presiding Bishop 11th Epis- copal District of Jack- sonville, FL, also, one of our classmates.
After the uplifting service, we were treated to a deli- cious catered meal in their dining hall. There were lots of laughs, hugs, kisses and picture taking. It was such a treat to see everyone to- gether enjoying the festivi- ties!
P. V. 55th Reunion
As part of P. V. 55th Re- union on July 11, 2015, at 10 a. m., they will be hosting “Careers on Parade.”
This program will honor P. V. elders (ages 40-70) while acknowledging the strong shoulders they have for everyone to stand on.
It is also for our youth to show them that you can be anything you want to be in life. It’s called CHOICES.
The public is invited.
Library News
Sat., 6/20 from 2-4 p. m. – Saturday Afternoon at the Movies: Jurassic Movie at Temple Terrace Library.
Sat., 6/20 from 3-5 p. m. - Saturday Afternoon at the Movies: Big Hero 6 at 78th St. Community Library.
Mon., 6/22 from 10:30-12 p. m. - You can manage dia- betes! at Riverview Library.
Mon., 6/22 from 2-3 p. m. - Online Photo Editing at the Riverview Library.
Mon., 6/22 from 6:30- 7:30 p. m. - Online Photo Editing at Riverview Library.
Tues., 6/23 from 12:15- 2:15 p. m. - Computer Tutor- ing at C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library.
Thurs., 6/ 25 from 11 a. m. – 12 p. m. - Job Counseling at the West Tampa Library.
F. Y. I.
Call your news for P. V. and surrounding areas into Gloria at 813-270-2257.