Page 9 - 6-19-15 Friday's Edition
P. 9

Local   Happy Father’s Day
African American Theatre Troupe To Perform
... Founder and Director of the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe of Florida, Inc.
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
This weekend, several ac- tivities designed to celebrate Father’s Day are taking place. One of those events is the Soul Crooners Shows that will take place June 18th through June 21st. The shows will take place at the David A. Straz, Jr., Center for the Performing Arts.
During the show, perform- ers perform popular R & B classics such as “Supersti- tion,” by Stevie Wonder; “Papa’s Was A Rolling Stone,” by the Tempta- tions; “I Want You Back,” by the Jackson Five; and “I Feel Good,” by James Brown, among others. The group performs more than 40
Soul Crooners performing popular R&B hits from the past
songs during the show.
It is designed to promote
and celebrate the African American experience and to at- tract diverse audiences while using its productions as a vehi- cle to support African Ameri- can artists in Florida.
The performing artists are members of the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe of Florida, Inc. The organization is the creation of Nate Ja- cobs, a resident who now lives in Sarasota.
A Tampa native, Jacobs is the son of gospel singer Ennis Jacobs, of the Jacobs Broth- ers of Tampa, and Ms. Vetta Jacobs, of Daytona.
After his parents’ marriage ended, he moved to Daytona with his mother at the age of 7. Jacobs was a student at Florida A & M University when
he discovered that he had a gift for acting. He was a member of the Concert Choir and found that he had an interest for per- forming in plays.
Jacobs took a class and ended up as a prop person in a production. However, one of the actors was dismissed from the show and he was asked to fill the position.
After graduating from col- lege, he took a position as a volunteer at a private school in Sarasota. The school was founded and operated by his mentors, Dr. Henry and Mrs. Cynthia Porter.
Jacobs, who describes himself as a natural storyteller, began creating original chil- dren’s show for the youngsters to perform.
Then, he came to realize that he “was the only Black man doing theater. I realized I had to start a theater tour troupe to give actors of color more opportunities to perform and hone their talents.”
He formed the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe of Florida, Inc., in 1999. Jacobs said after a 10-year struggle to stay alive, Ms. Christine Jennings came on board as its first Executive Director. She was able to reconstruct the or- ganization and began getting the funding it needed.
Jacobs said the troupe, who is back by popular de- mand, will perform this week- end and will have a repeat performance June 25 through 28 as well.
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. You deserve it, missing you like crazy. Enjoy your day.
Love always: Qua and Nana.
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to the realest father’s.
Happy Father’s Day, Bae. I wanted to take the time out to wish you a happy Father’s Day.
We love you so much and Bae, you deserve it. Love al- ways, your wifey.

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