Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 12-8-15 Edition
P. 2
Lung Transplant Patient Nearing 1-Year Anniversary
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
On Sunday, Adrian White spent time with other transplant pa- tients and those waiting for transplants.
In less than 1 month, Adrian White will be cele- brating the 1-year anniver- sary of his lung transplant. And, he is thankful for that. He says, “I’m still here.”
It was Saturday, January 3, 2015 when he received the call to report to Tampa Gen- eral Hospital. He was the first transplant patient for 2015.
This past Sunday, Decem- ber 6, 2015, White and his family, friends and support- ers joined several other 2015 transplant patients and those who are waiting for trans- plants for food, fun and fel- lowship in Riverview.
A group of physicians –
Drs. Mark Ross, T. Had- dad and Timothy Floreth host this annual event to rec- ognize the patients they have worked with throughout the year and those who are wait- ing for a transplant.
White considers himself blessed and said about his transplant: “On January 3, 2015, the miracle of my needed lung transplant hap-
pened. Through the prayers, financial support of the com- munity, friends and family, I was blessed with all the sup- port I needed. I would like to take this time of the year to express my gratitude to each of you for your prayers and support.
“Through three surgeries (two after the lung trans- plant), I am blessed. After the lung examination last week, everything is good,” White reports.
Prior to the lung trans- plant, White had battled Sarcardosis, a disease that at- tacks the immune system, for 9 years. He was one of the first in the area to actively bring awareness to the dis- ease and how it affects the body. Sarcardosis most com- monly targets the lungs and lymph nodes, but the disease can and usually does affect other organs, too, including (but not limited to) the skin, eyes, liver, salivary glands, si- nuses, kidneys, heart, the muscles and bones, and the brain and nervous system.
Currently, White, 55, takes several medications daily, but says his goal is to get his body to the point where he won’t have to de- pend on so many medica- tions.
Adrian White, seated, left, enjoyed Sunday afternoon with his parents, far right, friends, and many supporters. Some others in attendance were not present when the photo was made.
On Sunday, Adrian White joined several other lung transplant recipients and many who are waiting for transplants for fun, food and fellowship.