Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 12-8-15 Edition
P. 4
Police Offer Safe Tips For Holiday Season
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
During the holiday season, many people find themselves victims of crimes ranging from home burglaries to robberies. This year, police are warning shoppers to take extra care when shopping.
Many people are choosing to shop online and have pack- ages delivered to their homes. As a result, oftentimes, the packages are stolen before the owner can retrieve them.
Police suggest having pack- ages delivered after work hours, or ask a neighbor or friend to get the package for you. A third option is pick up the package yourself instead of having it delivered to your home.
Ms. Andrea Davis,
spokesperson for the Tampa Police Department offered ad- ditional safety tips for holiday shopping and safety measures for staying at home.
She shared the follow- ing tips when shopping:
Stay alert to your sur- roundings and the people around you. If you observe people “hanging out” in park- ing garages, parking lots, or outside stores, avoid the area. She also suggest notifying po- lice or security.
Always park your car in a well lit area.
Lock your car doors and windows, even if you are only gone for a few minutes.
Keep all packages and other valuables out of public view, preferably locked in the trunk.
Park as near as possible to street lights and have keys in your hand as you approach your car. Also, check the inte- rior of the car before unlocking the door.
Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Use a check or credit card to make pur- chases whenever possible.
To discourage purse snatchers, don’t overburden yourself with packages. And, be extra careful with purses and wallets. Carry a purse under your arm with the strap across your body. Avoid plac- ing your wallet in your back pocket. Keep it in an inside jacket pocket.
Teach your children to go to a store clerk or security guard and ask for help if they should become separated in a store or shopping mall. Chil- dren should never leave a store and go into a parking lot alone.
And finally, don’t shop alone, go with friends. There is safety in numbers.
Safety At Home
During the holiday season, many people experience bur- glaries and the theft of gifts purchased during the holiday.
Ms. Davis said, be extra cautious and make sure all windows and doors are locked when leaving your home. Also, don’t post plans of your going away on social media.
If you are going to be away, have a neighbor or family member watch your home and pickup mail and newspapers.
Place indoor and outdoor lights on an automatic timer.
Leave a radio or television on so the home looks occupied. Avoid placing larger items in front of windows and doors.
Fire Safety
Make sure that passage ways to doors inside of the home are clear.
If purchasing a live tree this year, mount it on a sturdy base so it can’t be pulled over. Also, make sure the tree is in water or wet sand to keep it green and prevent drying.
Make sure all lights are checked for damage and frayed cords should not be used.
After the holidays, don’t advertise expensive gifts by placing discarded boxes by the curb.
29 Attorneys Apply For County Court Vacancy
Nearly 30 local attorneys have applied for nomination to the Hillsborough County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Cir- cuit. The Thirteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commis- sion is currently seeking com- ments regarding the qualification of the applicants.
The Commission will meet on Friday, December 18th at 10 a.m., at the offices of Hill Ward Henderson, P. A., 101 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 3700. At that time, the Commission will determine which candidate will be interviewed for the po- sition.
The applicants are: Jon Johnson, Christopher
Brown, Jack Gutman, John Terry, Jonathan Za- ifert, Andrew Eckhoff, Kimberly Thresher, Alissa Ellison, Stephanie Pillar, and Eilam Isaak.
Thomas Dickerhoof, Troy Lovell, Carl Hinson, Nancy Neaves, Shelton Bridges, Kamilah Perry, Alec Hall, William Capito, Walter Otto, Constance Daniels, Lisa Ann Allen, Aaron Hubbard, Rebecca Kapusta, Michael Williams, Mark Ware, Is- abel Boza Sevelin, Caro- line Johnson Levi, Jared Smith, and Miriam Velez Valkenb are also being con-
sidered for the position.
The Commission will con- duct interviews on Monday, December 21, 2015. The names of the nominees will then be submitted to Governor Rick
Scott by December 28, 2915. Comments must be re- ceived before December 18, 2015, to be considered by the Commission. Anyone wishing to provide comments about the applicants can contact: C. Howard Hunter, Chair- person, Thirteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Com- mission, Hill Ward Hen- derson P. A., 101 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite
3700, Tampa, FL 33602.