Page 7 - Florida Sentinel 10-17-17
P. 7
To The Faithful: Facebook Has No Black Execs Or Board Members; Claims It Will Change That
MENLO, CA —- Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sh- eryl Sandberg told members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) that the social media company is committed to hiring an African-American to its board of directors “within the foreseeable fu- ture.”
Ms. Sandberg said that
Facebook is the #1 pastime for many Black people, however, the company has 1% Black workforce, and no Black board mem- bers. Cong. G.K. Butterfield says they were told that would change.
an African-American will be appointed to the board of di- rectors in the future, according to Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D- N.C.), a former caucus chair- man who was in the meeting.
Sandberg’s commitment came as members of the CBC pressed her on Facebook’s lack of diversity during a Thursday meeting at the Capitol. The
company has no black execu- tives or board members.
“We get a lot of lip service from the technology compa- nies,” Butterfield told re- porters. “We’ve continued to exert pressure on technology companies to be more diverse and inclusive. Not only will it help their bottom line, but it will make America stronger.”
Retired Security Guard Finds $24M Lotto Ticket Days Before It Expired
NEW YORK — Jimmie Smith is a busy man but al- ways told himself when he had the time he’d go through the pockets of an old shirt in his closet filled with unchecked lottery tickets. Thankfully the 68-year-old did because had he waited two more days he would’ve missed out on $24.1 million.
About a year ago, Smith purchased a lottery ticket in New York. The winning com- bination for the May 25, 2016 drawingwas05–12–13–
22 – 25 – 35. The New York Gaming Commission knew the winning ticket was pur- chased at a Bodega in New York, but didn’t know who the winner was.
As standard protocol, win- ners have one year to claim the prize and Mr. Smith’s deadline was looming so ear- lier this year officials got the word out a $24.1 million lot- tery ticket still had not been claimed.
“We urge New York Lot- tery players: Check your
Jimmie Smith poses with his $24M check.
pockets. Check your glove
box. Look under the couch cushions. If you have this winning ticket, we look for- ward to meeting you,” Gweneth Dean, director of the Commission’s Division of the Lottery, said.
After seeing the commer- cial, Smith went upstair to check the pockets of his shirt and when he saw the match- ing numbers, he needed a moment to process it all.
“DoIseewhatIthinkI see?'” Smith questioned. “I had to stick my head out the
window and breathe in some fresh air. I was in serious doubt. I really had to con- vince myself this was real.”
Smith quickly claimed his winning and the commis- sion recently released his name. The retired security guard has decided to receive his earnings in small amounts for the next 36 years and said once all the dust settles he’s going to have a family discussion with his two children and 12 grand- children.