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School District Expands Partnership With NAACP
Local Insurance Adjuster Wants To Help Others
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The Hillsborough County Public School District and the Hillsborough County Branch NAACP have reached an agreement to expand their partnership. Recently, the NAACP signed a facility usage agreement allowing the organization to use the Office of Supplier Diversity conference room.
The decision was made during a meeting on October 3rd between Jeff Eakins, Hillsborough County School District Superintendent and Ms. Yvette Lewis, Presi- dent of the Hillsborough County Branch NAACP.
Eakins said, “The pur- pose of the center will be to provide training, education, mentor space, and commu- nity partnership and engage- ment space with the intent to supplement the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) ac- tivities including seeking par- ticipation of new business owners, training in workforce readiness, and preparing middle and high school stu- dents for life.
“This agreement demon- strates our assurance that we will move forward with craft- ing a new Memorandum of Understanding to include Economic Development, PreK-20 Education, ACT-SO program/activities,” Eakins stated.
The NAACP’s Afro-Acad- emic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) is a year-long
JEFF EAKINS Hillsborough County Schools Superintendent
achievement program de- signed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high aca- demic and cultural achieve- ment among African American high school stu- dents.
Ms. Lewis said they want to target students who have been traditionally un- derserved.
Ms. Lewis further said, “We recognize all students cannot go to a 4-year col- lege.” The program will tar- get a career field such as information technology and trade jobs such as electrician or plumber.
“With the expansion of the partnership agreement we will be able to build upon the skills students receive from the school district, training the students for job readiness, apprenticeship programs and overall success in life,” Ms. Lewis ex- plained.
The new initiative will in- volve local business support as the program will not only
MS. YVETTE LEWIS President, Hillsborough County Branch NAACP
benefit students but will also assist with building a healthy workforce by providing stu- dents guidance on setting and achieving career goals.
Anyone who would like to become involved with this mentoring program or for more opportunities to volun- teer at any Hillsborough County Public School contact the district’s Community Outreach Division at (813) 272-4680.
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Although Tampa did not take a direct hit from Hurri- cane Irma, the storm left its mark. And, in its wake, many homeowners are finding damages that require repairs.
Ms. Rhonda Smith, a licensed insurance adjuster for the State of Florida, wants to help others. Ms. Smith said she is concerned about those suffering going through the process of applying for as- sistance and then having their claims resolved quickly.
“People wishing to be- come an adjuster can receive a temporary, Emergency Ad- juster License. The adjusters are hired by vendors who work for the various insur- ance companies. The vendors must be registered with the State of Florida as a vendor.
“We go out, inspect the damages, write a report, and submit an estimate to the company. That report goes to desk adjusters.”
Ms. Smith says many people with claims are still waiting for adjusters to in- spect the damage to their property.
She stated that people all over the state who have been affected by the storm and who file a claim must go through the same process.
However, she warned cit- izens not to accept any unso- licited assistance. “Adjusters don’t just show up on some- one’s doorstep. Once the homeowner files a claim, it is assigned to an adjuster. That adjuster must make contact and schedule an appointment with the property owner.”
Additionally, adjuster cannot have a felony convic- tion and are required to sub- mit to a background check.
“Also, no one should give an adjuster any money. There is not an exchange of money in the process. All adjusters will have proper identifica- tion and, people filing claims should not be afraid to ask for it.”
Ms. Smith is an inde-
MS. RHONDA SMITH Licensed Insurance Adjuster
pendent contractor and state- approved, authorized insur- ance instructor. She brings more than 20 years of service in the industry.
“This is a good time for anyone wishing to enter the field. It will allow that person to gain some experience while helping citizens at the same time.
“As an independent con- tractor, you control your own work hours and income level. During times such as after a storm, your workload will in- crease, but you can still deter- mine your work hours,” she said.
A Tampa native, Ms. Smith graduated from Plant High School. She enrolled at Florida A & M University and later finished online from AIU with a dual degree in business and healthcare man- agement.
She launched her career working in the medical insur- ance field and gradually gained experience in the areas of auto and property claims.
About 7 years ago, she de- cided to become an inde- pendent contractor. She formed Insurance Educators, Inc. She plans to become a vendor next year.
Ms. Smith enjoys spend- ing time with her husband, Derick, 2 daughters, and other family members. And, she list her favorite pastime as shopping for shoes.
For more information email Ms. Smith at:
Middleton High Class Of 1958 To Meet
The Middleton High School Class of 1958 will have its monthly meeting on Thurs- day, October 19, 2017, 5:30 p. m. The meeting will be held at the Police Sector office, 3808 N. 22nd St.
The president, Fannie M. K. Byron, is asking all class- mates to bring a classmate and a covered dish.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 30, 2017, same time, same place.
Rose G. Jones is the re- porter. For more information, please call (813) 400-1442.

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