Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 8-25-17
P. 10

Consecration Service
On Saturday, Au- gust 26, 2017, Holy Temple Pentecostal Assemblies of Churches, Inc., friends and family will join to- gether to help cele- brate the Episcopal Consecration of Bishop-Designate Albert "Al" Bald- win, Jr., as a Bishop and Prince in The Lord’s Church.
This historical Episcopal Celebration will be led by His Em- inence, The Most Reverend Zema J. Florence, III, Th.D.
The public crown- ing service will begin promptly at 4 P. M.
This celebration
will be held at Mount
Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church, 4000 Fifth Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33711.
Doors to the sanctuary will open at 3 P. M.
All attending Bishops, Prophets, Pastors, Elders, Ministers, Evangelists, and Missionaries are asked to be in their proper at- tire for the celebration.
Anterooms will be available for guest officials.
Tampa YMCA Expands Veggie Van Stops To Plant City
The Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA is expanding its Veggie Van – A Mobile Mar- ket Place -- to include two scheduled stops in Plant City. Through the Veggie Van, the Tampa Y distributes fresh fruits and vegetables into tar- geted communities, which are labeled food deserts, across Hillsborough and East Pasco counties.
A food desert is defined as an urban neighborhood without ready access to fresh, healthy and affordable food.
In addition to Plant City, the Y’s Veggie Van distrib- utes produce in the commu- nities of Tampa Heights, Sulphur Springs, Wimauma Village and Lacoochee. Each of these five locations has a demonstrated need for nutri- tional wellness. Community food distributions take place every two weeks on a rotating basis.
The first Plant City stops will take place Friday, Sept.
1st from 2-3 p. m. at Dover El- ementary School, 3035 Nel- son Avenue, in Dover and from 3:30-4:30 p. m. at Mar- shall Middle School, 18 S. Maryland Avenue, Plant City. The Veggie Van will stop at these two schools during the same time periods on Sept. 15th and 29th.
The Veggie Van serves adults with children in the household or who are desig- nated caregivers, under 200 percent of poverty line, free/reduced meals partici-
pants and from the targeted neighborhoods.
The mobile marketplace has a nutritionist on staff to work with families on im- proving food preparation and cooking habits to mini- mize the risk of obesity, chronic disease and high blood pressure.
The Veggie Van is possi- ble thanks to the following founding partners: Chil- dren’s Board of Hillsborough County, Joy McCann Foun- dation and Bank of America.

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