Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 8-25-17
P. 8

Video Showing Black Student In Handcuffs ‘Upsetting’
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Recently, a group of stu- dents at Chamberlain High School made a video for in- coming staff members. How- ever, at the end of the video, it reportedly depicted a Black male student in handcuffs being escorted by authorities.
Individuals who saw the video were not sure if the stu- dent was escorted by school security or the School Re- source Officer. However, the officer is reportedly shown giving a “thumbs up” sign.
It was learned that the ar- rest of the young Black stu- dent was staged. But, individuals who spoke with the Sentinel said the video should have been reviewed by an adult before it was posted.
The video was reportedly posted on YouTube and Facebook. But, it was taken down and edited after com- plaints about its content were voiced to the School District.
When contacted by the Sentinel about the video, Hillsborough County School District Superintendent Jeff Eakins said in a written statement, “There was no ill intent. But the scene in the video should not have been created. The school adminis- trators and staff at Chamber- lain High School are focused on creating a positive school culture.
“The original video was taken down and redone to depict the true atmosphere at Chamberlain High School, which is a family environ-
... Hillsborough County School District Superintendent
“Moving forward, the ad-
ministrators will ensure all videos created by students in class are reviewed before posting or publishing on school or district-sponsored communications.”
Hillsborough County School Board District 5 Rep- resentative, Ms. Tamara Shamburger, said she agreed with the District’s po- sition on the video. She also said, “This incident lends it- self to a learning opportunity and solidifies the need for our recently implemented Racial Equity Policy and the work the District is undertak- ing to rid all forms of institu- tional, systemic racism and implicit biases.”
Pete Edwards, Conser- vative Community Advocate said, “There are so many at fault over this inappropriate video. The student-created video obviously was not
... First Vice President, Hillsborough County Branch NAACP
screened by school person- nel, including the Principal, for appropriateness of con- tent, intent and potential consequences as a result of video release.
“What were the students thinking in portraying the “Black male” under the usual suspect category? Was there any sense of critique from the officers who participated? It was designed as a PSA so why didn't the video get screened by the Area Leader- ship Director and the school system Communications De- partment?
“As a parent of any of the kids in the video, especially the handcuffed Black male, I certainly would question "what the hell the kids were thinking, etc.” I hope every- one learns from this situation and the appropriate policies be put in place for full checks and balances prior to any student PSA release in the fu-
MS. TAMARA SHAMBURGER ... Hillsborough County School Board Member, District 5
Albert Fields, First Vice
President of the Hillsbor- ough County Branch of the NAACP said, “I called Tanya Arja in the Public Informa- tion Office at the Hillsbor- ough County School District today and asked for a copy of the video which was pro- duced for a Chamberlain High School teacher presen- tation. A concerned citizen was appalled at the depiction of a police officer arresting a young Black male then turn- ing to the camera and giving a THUMBS UP!
“Ms. Arja was aware of the video and immediately stated: “You know a student produced the video.” Then she agreed to send me a redacted copy of the video (covering the student's faces) and responding that the school would not exploit the children in the video or the child that produced the
... Conservative Community Advocate
“I responded to Ms. Arja
by saying: ..."the school is ex- ploiting the student (that ed- ited the video) by shifting the responsibility of the video from an employee that was supposed to approve it to the student." Ms. Arja says the video was made for new teachers and administrators. So I ask you, how is the school going to place the ac- tions of video production and disseminating on the stu- dent?
“Even though I have not seen the footage, the re- sponse from Ms. Arja was troubling and disconcerting. I am concerned that the school is reluctant to take ownership of the video, as it is important to teach respon- sibility to students.
“This was a great opportu- nity to show the student and the community how respon- sive the school system is to sensitive issues.”

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