Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 8-25-17
P. 13
2018 State Fair Booths Seek Local Black History Displays
The Florida State Fair Black History Committee (FSFBHC) is seeking local non-profit groups or busi- nesses that want free booth space in February 2018 to cel- ebrate African American His- tory.
The 2018 theme for the displays at the Florida State Fair is “African Americans in Film, Influencers of Stage and Screen.” The dates for the Florida State Fair are February 8-19, 2018, with Friday, February 9, 2018, des- ignated as Student Day at the Fair.
Hillsborough County School District Chief Diversity Officer Minerva Spanner- Morrow partners with the committee, chaired by Fred Hearns. Contact Fred Hearns at fhearns@netzero. net or Ms. Spanner-Mor- row’s office at 813-273-7125
FRED HEARNS ...Chair, Florida State Fair Black History Committee
or email Susan.Shattles@ if your organiza- tion has any questions and wants to reserve free display space at the fairgrounds or are interested in a live perform- ance in February 2018.
A packet will be sent to you. Early submission is im- portant for the planning of this event.
The year 2018 will be the third time the Florida State
Fair Authority, the School Dis- trict and community volun- teers have collaborated to celebrate Black History Month. The FSFBHC recog- nizes that 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the re- lease of the silent movie The Birth of a Race, which was partially filmed in Tampa. The notion of producing this silent movie was conceived by African American Publicist Emmitt J. Scott, an associ- ate of Booker T. Washing- ton, as a response to the infamous 1915 film The Birth of a Nation. Projects must be developmentally and age ap- propriate for grades K-12.
Florida State Fair displays that honor African American History in 2018 will be housed in the Florida Center Building on the fairgrounds. The exhibit space is provided complimen- tary to schools, churches,
...Hillsborough County School District Chief Diversity Officer
Greek letter organizations, so- cial clubs, service organiza- tions and individuals who want to help celebrate the an- nual theme.
The 2017 celebration fea- tured National Football League Hall of Famer Tony Dungy and several talented local public school students.
“We have many gifted African Americans, many with ties to Florida, who have left
their marks in the film indus- try,” said FSFBHC Chairman Fred Hearns.
Among those Floridians who rose to stardom are: co- median Step ‘n Fetchit (whose real name was Lin- coln Perry and who lived in Tampa as a young man); ac- tress Thelma “Butterfly” McQueen (who was born in Tampa, attended St. Peter Claver School and appeared in Gone With The Wind); Esther Rolle (Pompano Beach), who played the role of “Florida” in the television series Good Times; award-winning actors Sidney Poitier (Miami) and Angela Bassett (St. Peters- burg); and producer Will Packer (St. Petersburg and Florida A&M University), who brought us such film successes as Think Like A Man, This Christmas and Straight Outta Compton.
Sorority Members’ Service Anniversaries Celebrated
Gamma Theta Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, cel- ebrated milestone member- ship anniversaries of 50 and 25 years of continuous service for 11 of its members at the Crowne Plaza Tampa West- shore. The theme for the cel- ebration was “The Elegance of Gold and Silver."
Deborah Barnes,
Gamma Theta Omega Presi- dent, and Elaine Bryant, Gamma Theta Omega, 1st Vice President, presented gold medallions to Patricia Har- rell, Freddie West Hud- son, Dr. Idelia Phillips and Evalina Scott for 50 years of service.
Silver medallions were presented to Donna Dou- glas, Tamara Estrill-Lett, Holly Frazier, Tara Legree, Kimberly Mc- Cants, Shelia McCants and Gladys Worlds for 25 years of service.
Patricia Harrell was es- corted by her husband, John Harrell. She is a graduate of Tuskegee University with graduate studies in Adminis- tration and Supervision from the University of South Florida. She was initiated into Gamma Kappa Chapter at Tuskegee University in 1967.
Freddie West Hudson
was escorted by her husband,
Rev. Dr. Zachary Hudson.
She earned a Bachelor of Sci- ence degree in Sociology from Bethune-Cookman Univer- sity. She received a Master’s degree in Business Adminis-
Seated: Patricia Harrell, Freddie West Hudson, Dr. Idelia Phillips and Evalina Scott. Standing: Deb- orah K. Barnes, Gamma Theta Omega President, Donna Douglas, Tamara Estrill-Lett, Holly Frazier, Tara Legree, Kimberly McCants, Shelia McCants, Gladys Worlds and Carolyn House Stewart, Esq., 28th International President, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®.
while at Florida State Univer- sity.
Kimberly McCants was escorted by her nephew, Mal- com McCants. She earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer Science from Jackson State University. She was initiated into Gamma Rho Chapter in 1992 while at Jackson State University.
Shelia McCants was es- corted by her brother, An- thony McCants. She attended the University of North Carolina where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Counseling from the University of South Florida. She was initiated in Lambda Omicron Omega in Sarasota, Florida in 1991.
Gladys Worlds was es- corted by her husband, Vin- cent Worlds. She graduated from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Records Administra- tion. She earned her Master's degree in Management Sci- ence at Florida Institute of Technology. She was initiated into Beta Alpha Chapter in 1983 at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University.
Lacquitta Ann Fullilove-Berry served as the chairman of this elegant event. Donna Cason served as the mistress of ceremony. Other program participants were: Kan Dance Studio and the Gamma Theta Omega Chorus under the direction of Minister Zeb McKinon.
tration from Florida Metro- politan University. She was initiated into Gamma Tau Chapter at Bethune-Cookman University in 1967.
Dr. Idelia Phillips was escorted by Eugene Thomas. She is a graduate of LeMoyne Owen College, earn- ing her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Chem- istry. She has a Doctorate de- gree in Public Health. Dr. Phillips was initiated into Beta Tau Chapter at LeMoyne Owen College in 1967.
Evalina Scott was es- corted by her husband, Rev. Dr. Shafter Scott. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Food and Nutrition from Tuskegee University and earned a Master's Degree in Health Services Administra- tion from St. Francis Univer-
sity in Joliet, Illinois. She was initiated into Gamma Kappa Chapter at Tuskegee Univer- sity in 1964.
Donna Douglas was es- corted by her uncle, Omega Stephens. She is a graduate of Florida Agricultural & Me- chanical University, where she earned a Bachelor of Sci- ence degree in Pharmacy. She was initiated into Zeta Rho Omega Chapter in 1992 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Ms. Douglas is the two-term, im- mediate past president of Gamma Theta Omega Chap- ter. She currently serves as the Cluster II Coordinator, South Atlantic Region, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Tamara Estrill-Lett was escorted by her husband, Jearl S. Lett. She is a grad- uate of Florida Agricultural &
Mechanical University, where she earned a Bachelor of Sci- ence degree in Pharmacy. She was initiated into Beta Alpha Chapter in 1989 at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.
Holly Frazier was es- corted by her son, William Posey. She earned a Bache- lor’s degree from South Car- olina State University and a Master's degree from Nova Southeastern University. She was initiated in Beta Sigma Chapter at South Carolina State University in 1980.
Tara Legree was es- corted by her nephew, Chris- tian Jones. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Communications in 1994 from Florida State University. She was initiated into Zeta Omicron Chapter in 1992