Page 14 - Florida Sentinel 8-25-17
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NAACP To Host 74th Annual Florida State Conference
The 74th Annual Florida State Conference NAACP State Convention will take place Sep- tember 14th through September 16th. The Con- vention will be held in Orlando at the Rosen Centre Hotel, 9840 International Drive. The theme for the conference is “Steadfast and Immovable.”
The Florida State Conference NAACP Field and Training team has designated a slate of activities to allow delegates to participate.
The sessions planned by the Florida State Planning Committee are designed to inform and train activists on key programmatic areas. The workshops will focus on Criminal Justice, Health, Education, Environmental Climate Justice, Economic Development, Civic En- gagement, Leadership Development and Youth and Young Adult Engagement.
The guests for the conference include Nate Miles, of Eli Lilly, Delisa Saunders, of the AFT, Rebecca Pringle, of the NEA, and members of the NAACP National Staff, Ngozi Ndulue, Jacqueline Patteson, and Rev. Gilford.
The Freedom Fund Gala speaker is the Honorable Andrew Gillum, Mayor of Talla- hassee.
Those planning to attend the conference are encouraged to make reservation by calling 1-800-204-7234.
Conference attendees must pre-register by September 1st. To register contact; call (954) 648-8337, or fax to (954) 467-8303.
President, Florida State Conference NAACP
Hillsborough County Property Owners Receive Annual TRIM Notice
Hillsborough County property owners can now re- view their 2017 notice of pro- posed property taxes -- also known as “Truth in Millage” (TRIM) notice -- Property Appraiser Bob Henriquez announced Monday.
“Our primary goal with the TRIM notice is to provide property owners clear and complete information about their property’s value and ex- emptions,” Henriquez said. “With that goal in mind, we are extending our office’s telephone hours from 7 a. m. until 6 p. m. during the TRIM period.”
TRIM notices are mailed each August to property own- ers. To help answer questions about the notices, the HCPA is available by telephone at (813) 272-6100.
The TRIM notice is also avail- able for review on the Hills- borough County Property Appraiser’s website by visit- ing and searching for an individual’s property. The HCPA website also has an informative TRIM
page at erty-Info/Truth-In-Millage.
The TRIM notice is not a bill. Instead, it is an estimate of proposed taxes based on the expected tax rates, a property’s value and exemp- tions. The Property Ap- praiser’s office does not set the tax rate, bill or collect taxes. It only determines a property’s value.
The mailing of the TRIM notice begins the 25-day ap- peal period. If you disagree with the value set by the HCPA, or believe you should have qualified for an exemp- tion but do not see it listed, please contact the HCPA at (813) 272-6100 for an infor- mal review. If you are not sat- isfied with the outcome or would prefer not to discuss the matter with the HCPA, you can file a formal petition with the county's Value Ad- justment Board (VAB).
Your formal petition form must be received by the VAB (NOT post- marked) by Sept. 12.

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