Page 16 - Florida Sentinel 8-25-17
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Yvonne Tyson’s Retirement Celebration
Yvonne Tyson retired as a Supervisor from the City of Tampa’s Solid Waste Dept. after 35 years of dedicated service.
She is giving thanks to God for His bountiful blessings. Thanks to the Solid Waste Department employees, family, friends and others for the love and support.
Yvonne Tyson, right, with Solid Waste Supervisor, StephanRalphandthestreetsigninherhonorononeofthe streets around the Solid Waste Dept.
Mrs. Tyson with the Solid Waste Dept. Executive Team: from left, Adriana Rodriguez, Chief of Administration; Dar- ryl Stewart, Chief of Operations; Mayor Bob Buckhorn, who presented Mrs. Tyson with the 35-year plaque; and Mark Wil- falk, Director of Solid Waste.
Mrs. Tyson (2nd from left) is shown with her family: from left, Ronnardo Tyson, son; her husband, Ronald Tyson; daughter, Rhonda Tyson; and son, Deljie Tyson.
Kiana Romeo, left, a Manager at Solid Waste, and Mrs. Tyson’s niece, joined Mayor Buckhorn when he presented the plaque. Ms. Romeo was one of those who coordinated the cel- ebration.
On August 17, 2017, Ce- celia Mitchell was inter- viewed by Bill Murphy and crew of Bay News 9.
Hands of Hope - Sickle Cell Awareness Foundation, Inc. was selected as an “Everyday Hero.” The seg- ment is slated to air on Sep- tember 25, 2017.
Atiya Anderson nomi- nated her grandmother and the organization for the award.
‘Everyday Hero,’ Cecelia Mitchell and Hands Of Hope – Sickle Cell Awareness Foundation with Bill Mur- phy of Bay News 9.
supportive environment. Class size limited and regis- tration is required by the sec- ond class meeting.
For information and reg- istration call 813-259-1876.
Presented in Partnership with Dress For Success Tampa Bay.
Chess Club At The Library Saturday, September 02, 2017, 10 A. M. - 12 P. M. Riverview - Community Room
Learn and play the game of chess with Coach Ted McNair! Benefits of this classic and fun game include improved memory, concen- tration, and problem-solving skills. All ages and skill levels are welcome.
Selected As
Friends Of The Seffner- Mango Branch Library Book Sale Friday,
August 25, 2017 and
Saturday, August 26, 2017, 10 AM - 6 PM, Seffner-Mango
Come find bargains ga- lore at the Friends of the Seffner-Mango Branch Li- brary’s two-day book sale in the library’s Community Room and the Friends Book Store.
Moving Forward Program Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 10 A. M. - 1 P. M. Robert W. Saunders, Sr. - Ada T. Payne Community Room B
Moving Forward Program presented by Dress for Suc- cess is a six weeks job search training program for women. Women can gain profes- sional skills, accelerate their job search, and build confi- dence through career coach- ing, and networking in a
News & Activites