Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 8-25-17
P. 4

New Library In University Community Set To Be Named
After Atty. Arthenia Joyner
BY KENYA WOODARD Sentinel Feature Writer
When the newest branch in the county library system opens later this year, it could bear the name of one of Tampa’s most prominent cit- izens.
Naming the University Area library after local attor- ney and former state senator Arthenia Joyner was up for discussion at Thursday’s board meeting of the Hills- borough County Library Co- operative.
If approved, the branch would be the 11th named after community heroes, said li- brary director Andrew Brei- denbaugh.
Joyner’s nomination – submitted by Hillsborough County Commissioner Victor Crist in conjunction with the University Area Community Development Corporation – is receiving tremendous support from throughout the county, he said.
Approval by the library board would be the first step in the naming process. The
request next would go to county commission, which would have the final say on the matter.
“There need not be a whole lot of discussion there,” said Breidenbaugh. “She clearly has been an asset to the community.”
In a telephone interview Tuesday evening, Joyner said she humbled by Crist’s gesture.
“You have to be when someone wants to name a fa- cility after you,” she said. “I’m honored.”
For more than two decades, Joyner – who served 16 years in the Florida Legislature – has been a
“champion” for women and girls in Tampa, especially the University Area, Crist said.
It’s fitting that the new li- brary carry Joyner’s name, thanks in part to her work 12 years ago to secure the fund- ing necessary to build it, he said.
“It would not have hap- pened at all if it had not been for the leadership and assis- tance of then-Sen. Joyner,” Crist said in a telephone in- terview Tuesday. “I don’t see a downside here.”
The new branch will be a 15,000 square foot partner- ship library with Muller Ele- mentary Magnet School. Located north of Fletcher and east of 22nd Avenue, a por- tion of the library will serve as the school's media center dur- ing school hours and be avail- able to the public after school is dismissed.
It will feature state-of-the- art technology and instruc- tion, a 50-seat conference room and small study rooms.
It also will host job-seeking resources and assistance and early literacy and family events.
2017 African Hope Expo & Community Outreach Planned
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Saturday, September 9th, Teneba’s Haven, Inc., will host its 2017 African Hope Expo & USF Area Commu- nity Outreach Event. The event will take place from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m., at the Univer- sity Area Community Develop- ment Center, 14013 N. 22nd Street, 33613.
The 2017 African Hope Expo is a multi-African fundraiser that will feature live entertainment, beginning at 1 p.m. There will be African Arts & Crafts, Caricature Artist and face painters, and other events including raffles. The event will also feature food and other types of vendors offering art, clothing, jewelry and other items from respective coun- tries.
The Kuumba African Dance Troop, an African Storyteller, Drum Circles, Congolese Dancers, and a multi-African fashion show are also included on the agenda.
Representatives from the Veteran’s Administration, In- surance Industry, and other health organizations will attend the event.
It is sponsored by Teneba’s Haven, Inc., a not-for-profit or- ganization created by David M. Sawaneh, of Sierra Leone, who now resides in Tampa. Teneba’s Haven was founded in Sierra Leone, Africa. The headquarters are now located in Tampa.
The fundraiser will serve
the dual purpose of benefitting the disadvantaged people in African countries, as well as of- fering insight in the many cul- tures of those countries.
Sawaneh said, “It is with humility and gratitude that our organization is able to host the African Hope Expo 2017. This event not only benefits those in my country of origin, but also the many other African nations participating in the Expo. In addition, the community bene- fits from the health fair incor- porated within the event.
“This is an opportunity to experience Africa vicariously through many Africans willing to share their lives and experi- ence with the Tampa Bay com- munity and generously support those in desperate need in Africa and beyond.”
See ad in this edition for costs. For more information about the event contact Chap- lain Marilyn Essert at thank- or visit on Facebook.
DAVID M. SAWANETH Founder and CEO of Teneba’s Haven, Inc.

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