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They’re Born Every Minute
omorrow, after
months of hype, the most highly anticipated sporting event in years will finally take place, Floyd Mayweather, Jr., vs. Connor McGregor. And, all I can say, if you're one of the individuals who was suckered into dropping $100 to watch the fight on pay- per-view, is that I hope you get your money's worth.
I say this because the fight could turn out to be one of the biggest bare-faced rob- beries in modern history. A money grab by Showtime, Mayweather and McGre- gor so egregious that it makes Bernie Madoff's exploits look like petty theft.
There is no way that this fight is supposed to be taking place. On one side you have the best pound-for-pound
boxer on the planet going against a man who, regard- less of his mastery of mixed martial arts, has absolutely zero experience in a pure boxing contest.
In what world does this not turn out to be anything other than a one-sided beat down?
It doesn't matter how many times Mayweather makes an issue of his ad- vancing age (he's 40) and slowing skills or how much he blows smoke about Mc- Gregor having a puncher's chance against him in an ef- fort to sell the fight. The re- ality is that this spectacle will be far more of a joke than an actual competition.
The only way this match has any opportunity of being anything more than an em- barrassing exhibition would
have to involve May- weather (who's estimated to make $300 million from the contest), realizing how much more money he could earn from a potential re- match, either taking a dive or allowing the fight to end in a controversial decision. And, I could be wrong, but I just can't see an extremely prideful and boastful May- weather risking his legacy for the sake of a larger pay- day.
Anything short of this type of fix transpiring will re- sult in a huge disappoint- ment for those who'll waste their time watching this fi- asco. Then again, some peo- ple spent a lot of money traveling across the world just to watch the moon pass in front of the sun for couple of minutes a few days ago.... So what do I know?
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can write to Mr. Barr at: Clarence Barr 43110-018, Oak- dale F. C. I., P. O. BOX 5000, Oakdale, LA 71463.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
America’s Mayors’ Most Shining Hour
et us imagine we are among the first to congrat-
ulate Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn early in the morning for his and his mayoral colleagues’ heroic and common-sense signature on the Mayor’s Compact Against Hate, Extremism, and Bigotry.
In a time when too many politicians propose to play it safe by either speaking in glittering generalities or saying absolutely nothing at all, especially when it comes to issues of race and equality, Mayor Buckhorn and company voted to “stick necks out” and thumb their noses against a presidential administration that daily reveals its leaning to racist/alt-right attitudes.
But in case you didn’t read an article in last Tues- day’s Sentinel Bulletin, allow us to refresh your mem- ory as to what our mayor and mayors across America signed. Said Mayor Buckhorn, “It’s cities and mayors who are on the frontlines (and who state) if and when some of our national leaders refuse to stand up in the face of hate, (then) America’s Mayors will (do so).
The Mayor continued, “That’s why I joined mayors from across the country to stand unified against big- otry, hate, and racism. We cannot allow this divisive rhetoric to continue, not in our city and certainty not from the highest and most powerful office in the world.”
We remember the Mayor’s blunt reluctance to have anything to do with Tampa-Hillsborough County’s Confederate statue to the cheer of many and conster- nation of a few. Obviously enough, Mayor Buckhorn’s voice is indeed, more than bluster, but he and the City of Tampa say what they mean and mean what they say regarding a symbol that too often strikes profound sorrow.
Furthermore, in a society where few can tell what is true or fake, we appreciate the ability to truly be- lieve we have a sincere voice in City Hall.
5 S.T.E.P.S. To Success
Part 1
Success is like know- ing the combination to the lock. If you know the combination, the lock has to open.
mpowered Greet-
ings. This week in my effort to: Empower You; so that you can Empower Yourself and then Em- power Others, we will begin a six-week series on the 5 S.T.E.P.S. to Success. So, keep reading to learn the combination needed to un- lock your success!
Step 1: Stop and Start. Stop focusing on the mis- takes of your past. View poor
choices and decisions in your past as learning experi- ences. Start focusing on your strengths.
Step 2: Take Control. Take control over your destiny to success by con- trolling what you hear and see. What you study longest in your life will become strongest in your life.
Step 3: Expect Excel- lence. Expect Excellence and settle for nothing less than the best.
Step 4: Prepare. Pre- pare for where you’re going in life through personal de- velopment. Prior, proper planning: promotes, per- fected peak performance!
Step 5: Stand. Stand for
something or you will fall for anything. Your personal val- ues in life will be critical to the success of your ministry, business and relationships.
“If you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, work day and night for it, give up your time, your peace, and your sleep for it...You'll get it!”
Success By Berton Braley
Stay connected to Selphenia for more tips, tools and strategies for your success. Follow her on Social Media. Face- book: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: @selphenia; Twitter: @queenofsuccess1; or Call: 813-603-0088 to request Selphenia to speak, MC or train at your next event.