Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 11-14-17
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 Students Get Words Of Experience And Wisdom From Retired Military Man Who Served Under Former President Obama
 BYKENYAWOODARD Sentinel Feature Writer
SEFFNER – Students at Lopez Elementary School on Thursday got a declassified lesson in leadership from a man whose 30-plus year ca- reer included providing security to the ruler of the free world.
Before retiring, Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Williams served under President Barack Obama as director of the U. S. Army Mili- tary District of Washington at the Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region. It is composed of joint military units that are respon- sible for the defense of the nation’s capitol.
A native of Suwanee County, Williams described himself to stu- dents as a “small-town boy, a mama’s boy.”..
But Williams’s military resume boasts of service in some of the United States most formidable largest including Operation Desert
Students who received Military Challenge Coin from Command Ser- geant Major Michael W. Williams.
Shield and Operation Desert Storm and tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Williams implored students to have pride in who they are and in
From left: Asst. Principal Debra Ro- driguez, Command Sergeant Major Michael W. Williams, Colonel Donald Goff, U. S. Army, and Principal Michael Engle.
their school.
“When someone asks you where
you go to school, I want you to stick your chest up and your chin up,” he said.
He also asked them to adopt the traits of leaders, which include sac- rifice, teamwork, and education.
The latter is important espe- cially, he said.
“There is nothing more impor- tant to leadership than education,” he said. “To teach others, you must continue to learn. It never ends.”
Good leaders recognize that all humans have basic needs, which in- clude freedom, love, belonging, and survival.
Consideration and acknowledge- ment also go a long way, he said.
“’Thank you’ is amazing,” he said. “It makes people smile.”
In addition to basic needs, every- one has a super power – choice, Williams said.
“You have the choice today to give service to your school, your brother, sister, your family,” he said. “You have the choice to speak up when something wrong has been done to you or someone else you know.
Don’t give that up.” (Photos courtesy of Lopez Media Spe- cialist, Gretchen Wenger)

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