Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 11-14-17
P. 4

  Local Representative Sean Shaw Recognized As A
Police Chief To
  ‘2017 County Champion’
Monthly Meeting
Recognizing his deep commitment to protecting home rule and dedication to working with local officials on their issues, the Florida Association of Counties has named Representative Sean Shaw (D-Tampa) a “2017 County Champion.” The 2017 Session saw many attacks on the independence of local governments throughout Florida and Representative Shaw acted as a leader in protect- ing their ability to find the solutions that best fit an in- dividual community.
“I truly believe in the concept of the best govern- ment being that which is closest to the people,” ex- plained Representative Sean Shaw. “Rather than
State Representative Sean Shaw, left, is recognized as a “2017 County Champion.”
Members of the Hillsbor- ough County Branch of the NAACP will host their Novem- ber meeting on Thursday, No- vember 16th, at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Hillsborough County Semi- nole Branch Library, 4711 N. Central Avenue, Tampa, 33603.
The guest speaker for the November meeting is newly appointed Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan.
The meeting is open to members of the public and residents are encouraged to attend.
Ms. Yvette Lewis is the organization’s President. For more information call the branch office at (813) 234- 8683.
more top-down edicts from Tallahassee that may not ad- dress the individual needs of a certain community, we must listen to our local offi- cials who are best positioned to have the strongest grasp
of the issues facing their con- stituents. I am deeply grate- ful to receive this award and I look forward to continuing my commitment to home rule in the upcoming ses- sion.”
$3B Water Street Development Project Seeking Special Taxing District
Speak At NAACP
   Strategic Property Partners (SPP), the group overseeing the Water Street development, is seeking to get a special tax- ing district from state legisla- tors.
If lawmakers approve, the special tax will fund specific parts of the project. The funds will come from property tax increases on commercial prop- erties.
SPP is the company founded by Jeff Vinik, Tampa Bay Lightning owner, in conjunction with Microsoft
founder, Bill Gates’ Cascade Investment.
A five-member board will be established to govern the $3 billion project.
Legislators – According to published reports, the Hills- borough delegation voted 9-0 to support the bill. Rep. Jackie Toledo (R-Tampa) and Senator Dana Y0ung (R-Tampa) have already said they will co-sponsor and sup- port the bill (respectively) being drafted by Rep. Jamie Grant (R-Tampa).

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