Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 9-15-15 Edition
P. 3

Readers Share Choice On Presidential Candidates ‘If Election Held Today’
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Last Friday, Rick Perry, former Governor of Texas, withdrew fr0m the 2016 race for the President of the United States. His withdrawal leaves a pool of 16 Republican candi- dates and five Democrats seek- ing the office.
Noting that Vice Presi- dent Joe Biden remains un- decided, some Sentinel readers responded to the ques- tion: “If you had to vote for the next President of the United States right now, who would you choose?”
Rev. Karen Jackson Sims, Senior Pastor of St. Paul A. M. E. Church said, “Frankly I have not seen anything from the existing candidates that lead me to believe they are ready to represent the needs of our communities. The jury is definitely out until I hear some- thing about a strong domestic policy that maintains and en- hances those strides made by President Obama.”
Danny Green said, “If I had to vote today I would vote for Joe Biden because I got a chance to meet him and talk to him personally. I'm quite sure he learned a lot by hanging around President Obama.
“He's been a very good Vice President so I know he will make a very good president. And of course, he learned from the best president we ever had President Obama.”
Ed Racker said, “Hillary, of course; no matter when I have the opportunity to vote and even if Joe gets in which he probably will not, though he would make an excellent presi- dent and continue the Obama initiatives.”
Rev. Dr. David Green, Sr., Senior Pastor of Allen Temple A. M. E. Church said, “If I has to vote today. I would vote for Secretary Hillary Clinton. I don't believe the re- cent challenges she is experi- encing because of her emails would be enough to change my vote if she stayed in the race.
Her experience and work as a Senator and Secretary of State is certainly noteworthy.”
Dr. Samuel Wright said, “Although I must closely study the political platforms of all presidential candidates, I am a Democrat and would vote for Hillary Clinton. I know Hillary's views may vary a lit- tle from her husband, William "Bill" Clinton, but we all can attest to the fact that he was a well liked president.
“Ben Carson, on the other hand, is a brilliant med- ical doctor who is somewhat new to the political field. How- ever, if I do not see a Democrat contender that I favor, he prob- ably would get some consider- ation.”
State Rep. Ed Narain said, “Hillary Clinton is the most experienced of all the can- didates running and should be our next President. Her tenure as Secretary of State, U. S. Sen- ator and as First Lady, make her the most prepared to as- sume office and be effective on day one. She is also the most capable of continuing the key policies (i.e. - Affordable Care Act) President Obama has enacted. She also has a legiti- mate plan to address the needs of African Americans and the middle class.
“Putting the manufactured controversies aside, if she were a man, there would be no ques- tioning her credentials. She has my vote and should be the nominee."
Howard Harris said, “If the presidential election was held today, I would check the polls and vote for the Democrat that was ahead, be it Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or a yellow dog.
“I would vote even for a yel- low dog Democrat over any Re- publican because of the stupidity exhibited by the Re- publican front runners. For in- stance, in 1991, Donald Trump said, “Laziness is a trait in Blacks;” in 2013, Ben Carson said, “You know I think (Obamacare is) the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery;" and in
2015, Mike Huckabee said, “...the Dred Scott Decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land, which says that Black people aren’t fully human”. He also said, “I don’t have a problem with racism. It’s solved.”
These front runners belong to a party that can make moun- tains out of mole hills, be it the non-scandals of the IRS target- ing conservative groups, Hillary’s emails, or the four deaths in Benghazi. This party is also adept at turning 1,000 pound scandal tumors into mere pimples such as ignoring the creation by Cheney/Bush of false intelligence which took us to war causing over a million war deaths or the condoning of torture by declaring the enemy as non-soldiers.
“Republicans claim to want to take America back. How-
ever, Americans can’t afford to be taken back to the time be- fore unions, religious tolerance, minimum wage, Medicare, Obamacare, Social security, in- tegration, gay rights, and regu- lations for clean air, clean water and food inspections, etc. So, if the election was held today, I would check the polls and vote for the yellow dog if she was ahead in the polls.”
James Tokley said, “Both Joanna and I would vote for Hillary Clinton. First of all, Hillary has proven herself to be level headed, thoughtful, and sensitive regarding the concerns of her fellow Ameri- cans.
She and Bill have consis- tently supported causes, legis- lation, and policies that promote a multicultural soci- ety. Just as importantly, she is
well versed on international diplomatic relations. We can think of no other person whom we will trust to push the red button if required.”
Billy Wheeler “Bernie Sanders' proposals, positions and plans connect most with my own. He aims to expand our government's focus beyond the corporations, spe- cial interests, ruling class, and military.
“His combined years as a Representative and Senator make him the longest serving independent member of Con- gress in American history. And, while he self-identifies as a Democratic Socialist, I be- lieve it is time we move past partisan labels and support a candidate who supports the people.”

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