Page 5 - 2-17-15 Tuesday's Edition
P. 5
What’s Your Love Language
A Ph.D. In Football
No doubt, Aristotle would roll over in his grave. One of the founder-fathers of the idea of modern educa- tion, Aristotle whole-heartedly believed that a well-
rounded education must include sincere physical education. But, what would he think about a Ph.D. in dis- cus throwing or a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in -- of all things —- football, or basketball? Gosh, what about basket-weaving?
And here’s the flap. An NCAA hard-core contingent has long entertained the idea of conferring upon collegiate athletes a curriculum, which would support 60 hours a week dedicated to baseball, basketball, or gridiron, and would yield the scholarly jock with a bona fide Bachelor’s degree.
In what? In football, baseball, or basketball, of course. And since less than one percent of America’s athletes make it to the major leagues, that means America would need to add a new level of professionals to an already strange job market: men (and perhaps women) all dressed up in a professional sports degree and no pro- fessional sport wherein to use it.
That’s what we say. The very idea of a B.A., B.S., Mas- ter’s, or Ph.D. in football is strange if not altogether batty. That’s probably what Aristotle would say, too. However, the great minds of collegiate athletic programs think otherwise. And they’re the ones who pay the bills.
Fanatics rush into a courthouse, throw a rope around a hostage’s neck and without courtesy of the court or logical accusation, throw the other end out
an open window where a mob strangles its victim in the name of God.
Amanis hanged by a rabble who – after the deed is done — divides his fingers, toes, and privates as sou- venirs of savagery. And then there’s the story of two hostages – innocent as Shadrach and Meshach —- who were accused of a crime and under scrutiny of soda-swill- ing spectators, were castrated, stabbed, beaten, tied to a plow, and set afire in a public square. Were these the deeds of ISIS? Think again. They were the escapades of a rabid, racist American Southland.
President Barack Obama should be used to it by now. But, we doubt he tuned out the boos and hisses he re- ceived when he laid some science on Republican lawmak- ers by reminding many of them that ISIS terrorists were not the inventors of cold blood. Our POTUS mentioned, for example, the Crusaders who cut a bloody swath through North Africa and the Middle East during the Middle Ages, then cited the Spanish Inquisition and even the Ku Klux Klan, all who murdered in the name of Christianity.
No, his listeners were not happy when he endeavored to explain why ISIS did not deserve religious reference. Cold-hearted criminals do not represent God. They merely try to hide in His shadow.
Yes, ISIS is nothing new. They are a bunch of lost boys striking back at fathers they never knew and at a world society they never made...
If you doubt us, ask Adolf Hitler. And, if you can’t find Hitler, consult the long list of hostages who died by a hangman’s rope in Mississippi.
“Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is es- sential to your own.”
~Robert Heinlein
Empowered greetings. Did you know that love has a language of its own? Each of us as individuals also have a love language of our own. We all have a primary way that we express love, as well as, a primary way that we in- terpret or feel love.
Although there are end- less ways to demonstrate love Dr. Gary Chapman author of The 5 Love Lan- guages®, says no matter what way we show or receive love, it falls into one of the five categories listed below.
Words of Affirma- tion: If this is your love lan- guage, nothing says “I love you” more than compliments and positive words affirming
Tomorrow is Wednesday. Normally that wouldn’t mean much more than ac- knowledging that it’s the middle of the week. The in- famous “Hump Day” popu- larized by talking camels in Geico insurance commer- cials.
But, recently, there has been a lot more excitement surrounding this run-of-the- mill weekday. In fact, it has even taken on a new moniker in honor of a televi- sion show that’s given it some much needed swag.... “Empire Wednesdays.”
Not since the days when the popular 80s show Miami Vice had men everywhere dressing like the fictional narcotics detec- tives, Crockett and Tubbs, have I seen a weekly drama have such a huge cultural impact so quickly. Not only are people turning their phones off between 9 and 10 p. m. on Wednesday nights, but some savvy club man- agers are even capitalizing off the phenomenon by inviting fans to watch the show together at their estab- lishments —- all of this for a program only preparing to broadcast its fifth episode.
The crazy thing is that,
you. Verbal attacks and neg- ative words leave a lasting impression on you.
Quality Time: When a person should give you their undivided attention, you re- ceive this as their way of say- ing, “I love you.” Neglecting to listen to you and cancelled or delayed time together causes your heart to ache.
Receiving Gifts: Your love thrives on receiving thoughtful gifts of love. Don’t mistake this as materi- alism. It is the gesture of the gift that makes you feel ap- preciated, acknowledged and loved. Missing special occa- sions could contribute to you feeling anguish.
Acts of Service: When someone performs a burden- some act for you, what you are hearing are the words, “I love you.” However if you create more work for them they feel you don’t care.
somehow, I’ve become just as hooked. After initially blowing it off as just some more of the same stereotyp- ical nonsense, I’ve come to accept it as something gen- uinely entertaining.
Even though I would have preferred that the first, all- Black, major network, televi- sion drama involve something other than the “drug-dealer turned busi- nessman” cliche’, I’ve read about in numerous urban novels, I have to admit, the storyline is intriguing, the characters have grown on me and, to be completely honest, watching Tarija P. Henson strut around in tight skirts isn’t exactly a bad thing.
The only problem I have with the show is the timing. InthebackofmymindI keep wondering, “Are we there yet?”
Have we, as a people, ar- rived to a comfortable point with our status in this coun- try where we can afford to be continually depicted in this kind unflattering light? I mean, it isn’t like this show is only being beamed di- rectly into Black households.
People of every ethnicity across America are seeing
Physical Touch: This is the love language of touchy- feely people. Physical touch like hugs and pats on the back say “I love you.” Ne- glecting to do these things can be disastrous to a rela- tionship.
Experience the power of love. Build happier and healthier relationships in marriage, with your chil- dren, friends, and co-work- ers by learning to communicate in the other persons love language.
Be empowered to live, laugh and love beyond words with the language of love.
Show Selphenia some love by connecting with her beyond the column.
Facebook Business Fan Page: Selphenia Nichols Suc- cess Coach To Women website is http://success-, you can contact her on Instagram @selphenia or on twitter queenofsuccess1. Call or text (813) 956-0185 to book Selphenia for your next event or to schedule your free life or business success strategy call designed to help you create a life and business you love.
these same images. And, with many of them only hav- ing television programs and movies as their sole refer- ence guide to Black culture, can we really be cool with this being part of their edu- cation?
Do not get me wrong. I am not saying that a show like Empire shouldn’t exist. But, with the ignorance that causes racism playing a fac- tor in the high rate of unem- ployment in the Black community and trigger- happy cops usually being products of areas where the exposure to the multiple di- mensions of Black identity is scarce, it wouldn’t hurt to have something to counter- balance the images being presented that have become all too familiar with a major- ity of this country’s popula- tion.
Of course, none of this is meant to denigrate or de- stroy the integrity of what’s turning out to be a great show. But, at the end of the day, we should never forget that the same brush rule is definitely still in effect. And what may cause us to cele- brate now can always have unintended consequences that could have us shedding tears later.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany.
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On Second Thought...
Worse Than Isis!