Page 9 - 2-17-15 Tuesday's Edition
P. 9

LocalWedding Celebration Held At Airport Hilton
Friends, family, and a few invited guests met at the Airport Hilton Hotel to be a part of the wedding cele- bration for Tyrone and Marsh Gumez. (PHO- TOS BY JULIA JACKSON)
Bride and groom, Tyrone and Marsh Gumez.
Groomsmen,RoySmith,RodgeJones,RickkiGumez, Tranardo Gumez, Romeo Gumez, and Antonio Gumez.
Deidra Davison-Gumez and Richard Gumez in the background.
SC House Subcommittee Votes To Close South
Carolina State
The South Carolina House Ways and Means subcommit- tee has voted to close South Carolina State University on July 1, and to reopen the uni- versity with new leadership on July 1, 2017.
According to WCSC, the plan calls for the firing of uni- versity president Thomas Elzey, for all employees to be fired and for its board of trustees to be disbanded. Stu- dents would be transferred to other publicly-supported insti- tutions in South Carolina, and would receive full payment of their tuition and fees if they are able to maintain a 2.5 grade point average.
U. S. Attorney’s Office Raises Awareness Of Campus Sexual
United States Attorney A. Lee Bentley, III, recently announced that the U. S. At- torney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida has part- nered with the Office on Vio- lence Against Women (OVW) to co-host a one-day training on Campus Sexual Assault Prevention and Response.
Since 1999, OVW has funded approximately 322 campus-based projects, total- ing more than $122,789 mil- lion, to address sexual assault, domestic violence, dating vio- lence, and stalking on cam- puses.
More than 160 attendees participated, including law en- forcement, state prosecutors, colleges and universities staff, victim advocates, and victim- service providers.
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault was es- tablished in 2014, with a man- date to strengthen federal enforcement efforts and pro- vide schools with additional tools to help combat sexual as- sault on their campuses.
The Department of Justice has tailored this collaborative victim-centered campus sex- ual assault training to address particular areas of need in our communities.

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