Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 11-11-16 Online Edition
P. 4
Young Woman’s Galaxy Core Phone Explodes In Car
This is the phone that exploded and burned a hole in the seat of a 2011 Kia Forte.
KATELIN LEE ...Her Galaxy Core Prime cell phone exploded in her car.
Jerry Brunson said he was driving behind the car. He saw the smoke and then saw the driver pull into someone’s driveway. He pulled in behind her to make sure she was OK. He, too, saw the phone and car seat on fire.
The 22-year-old woman, who is pregnant, said she pur- chased the phone, a Galaxy Core Prime, earlier this year.
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Wednesday morning, while driving along Osborne Ave., the cellular phone of a young woman exploded and burned a hole in her car seat.
Ms. Katelin Lee said she had made a stop at Osborne Ave. and 13th St., got out of her car and dropped the phone. It came apart. She picked up the pieces, and laid
the phone on the seat.
Ms. Lee said she continued
her drive when she noticed smoke and fire coming from the seat of her 2011 Kia Forte.
“I immediately pulled into someone’s driveway, jumped out and the phone blew up,” she said by phone. The resi- dents at that address and a passerby put the fire out with a water hose and stick.
Sentinel photographer,
Protesters Against Presidential Election March In Several Cities
Protests erupted throughout the country on Thursday, as President Barack Obama had prepared to meet with President-Elect Donald Trump.
A small gathering of protest- ers assembled in Ybor City on Wednesday. Approximately 100 people gathered in Ybor City around 7:30 p.m. It was a peaceful protest that traveled through historic Ybor City. No arrests were made.
Thousands of demonstra-
tions took place in about 10 cities and the majority of them were peaceful.
The demonstrations took place in New York, Los Ange- les, and Oakland, California.
Demonstrators burned an orange-haired Trump in ef- figy, lit bonfires and blocked traffic, chanted, and de- nounced Trump as the in- coming president.
In London, protesters gath- ered outside the U. S. Em- bassy.