Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 11-11-16 Online Edition
P. 2

Donald Trump Wins; Readers Share Opinions
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
In a historic election, vot- ers selected Donald Trump as 45th President of the United States. It was a very close race between President-Elect Trump and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
However, the win shocked many people who felt that Trump would not make a good leader for this country. Some citizens shared their opinions about the election.
Dr. George Foxx said, “Let’s face it, Donald Trump is a different kind of Republican. We took him for a joke, under estimated his ability to succeed – he did. Now hang on for the ride! Yes, he is unusual in that he isn't a politician by trade and eschews politicians’ dou- bletalk. But most of his polit- ical positions are right down the traditional Republican line.
“Mr. Trump won the al- leged-rigged electoral system by proclaiming to lower taxes and regulatory reform, the Republican presidential can- didate to become America’s 45th president-elect is in favor of school choice, energy development, repealing Oba- macare, more legal immigra- tion and enforcing trade agreements. He said he would accept the results – only if he won, and he did; in spite of divisiveness, demor- alization, and showman- ship.”
Dr. Samuel Wright
said, “Speechless! Troubled in spirit, but is waiting to see what he does to make Amer- ica great again.”
Ross Anderson said, “I'm not surprised that Don- ald Trump won and I feel that he will either set us back 20+ years or move us for- ward. With everything I've seensofar,allIcandois pray for our community and for our young men.
“Everyone needs to edu-
cate themselves on their rights and put on the entire armor of the LORD everyday when they leave their home.”
Danny Green said, “Congratulations, Donald Trump. It's a sad day to be an American. We are going to be in serious trouble for the next four years. Other countries are laughing at America right now.
“I'm glad Donald Trump won. He talked about President Barack Obama; now let’s see what he does in the next 4 years. He will see the process is not easy. Americans will regret
putting this man in office. It’s a sad day in America.”
Rev. Karen Jackson Sims said, “Well, Election Day 2016 is over and clearly demonstrated that the will of the people, who vote, will set
the destiny of our country. “While I am stunned that someone that has run a cam- paign on hatred, bigotry and mistruths was elected to the highest office in the land, we must put our faith and trust
where it belongs.
“Based upon what I have
seen during this election, I can only say, this is a presi- dency that bears close watch- ing by us all. We must, however, never put our faith in man, but remember who really is in charge. This is truly a 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment for our country. May God bless and keep America.”

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