Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 8-25-15 Edition
P. 11

Soaps/Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
BOLD AND THE BEAU- TIFUL - Ivy and Steffy square off and Ivy tells Steffy she owns her. Quinn complains to Deacon after a run-in with Ivy. Steffy is haunted by Aly’s death. Thomas fills Liam in on the latest between Ivy and Steffy. Ivy makes an accusa- tion against Steffy. Liam gives Ivy an ultimatum. Thomas tries to plant seeds of doubt in Caroline’s head regarding her relationship with Ridge.
Nicole scores a major victory over Serena and Xander. Theresa’s latest plot has dire consequences for Xander. Chad and Serena’s night takes an unpleasant turn. Hope, Aiden, Victor, Maggie, Doug, and Julie rally around Caro- line.
Amidst Scott’s accusation, will Ava’s cover be blown? Julian accuses Sonny of setting him up. Jake and Little Jake spend time together. Morgan is blown away by information he becomes privy to. Franco makes a bold move. Lulu re- acts to a passage in Dillon’s
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Focus on what you love over the next few days. Play your fa- vorite game with your favorite people. You don’t need to buy toys. Develop your skills and en- thusiasms. Follow the most en- tertaining thread. Get seduced.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
The next two days are good for making changes at home. Family takes priority. Use logic and new methods to make life easier. En- force household rules. Amplify feminine touches. A little color and paint make a big difference.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — You’re especially clever today and tomorrow. It’s a time of in- tense learning. Practice your charm and persuasion. Delve into an inquiry, and stay with it. Don’t talk about it yet. Take notes and organize.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Get into making money today and tomorrow. An empty stomach tells you what it wants. Diligently provides goods and services. Save your pennies. Net- working and social promotion works. Another revenue source is available. Read contracts be- fore signing.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Begin a confident two-day phase. Make long-range plans. Gain support from a distant source. Don’t waste energy on arguments ... tempers are short. Consider your words carefully. Avoid antagonizing people. Take control. Anything is possible.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today and tomorrow favor peace and thoughtful pro- ductivity. Make plans and sched- ule actions. A new theory doesn’t work as well in practice. Find a better alternative. Avoid risky propositions. Stay in communi- cation, even while hiding out.
script. Sonny seeks a certain someone out. Franco and Nina get closer. Julian comes clean with Alexis about Ava. While working with Dante, Nathan makes an important discovery.
YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Abby tells Stitch she doesn’t need a body- guard anymore. Marco tells Victor, “Those people are dead because your plan had to be protected at all costs.” Victor warns, “Don’t you lay the blame at my feet.” Jack inter- jects, “That’s exactly where it belongs.” Paul asks Victor, “Did you ever come across a man by the name of Marco An- icelli?” Devon tells Michael as Lily listens, “They had me in a police line-up. They think Hi- lary could be dead and I could be responsible for it.” Devon makes a surprising confession. Sharon’s engagement news be- comes known to the Newmans. Mariah switches gears with Kevin. Lauren confides in Cane about her relationship with Michael. Adam and Chelsea plan a fresh start away from Genoa City. Victor throws a wrench into his deal with Jack. Summer presses Phyllis for answers about Marco.
Brother Randy Kelly, the utility person for Ebenezer Church, was in attendance at the Exciting Revival.
Several powerfully spiritual women of God were speakers at the Exciting Faith Conference. Closing out the conference was Lady Michelle, shown here with her husband, Pastor Proctor.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Friends, groups, clubs and as- sociations amplify your reach today and tomorrow. Support a friend in need, and ask for sup- port when you need it. Together, your impact increases exponen- tially. Energize each other. Go for a common cause.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today and tomorrow offer professional opportunities. If an obstacle arises, roll around it. Ig- nore false rumors and gossip. Do what you love and prosper. Use your secret power. Remain for- giving with miscommunications. Angels guide your actions.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Travel, studies and explo- ration thrive today and tomor- row. Balance business with pleasure. The money looks bet- ter. Edible treats are in order. Listen, learn, and stick up for your point of view. Don’t go along if you don’t agree.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Work with your partner to manage finances today and to- morrow. Align on priorities and make decisions. Work out com- munication breakdowns imme- diately. Keep your team on track, lovingly. Replenish reserves, while keeping costs down. Stick to simple ingredients.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Work with a partner over the next few days. Go over the big picture. Discover sales and mar- keting ideas. Make sure your ef- forts are strategic and your timing right on. Romance is a distinct possibility.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Provide excellent service today and tomorrow. Your wealth comes from satisfied customers. Call for reinforcements, if neces- sary. Your team lends support. Talk is cheap, though, and mis- understandings likely. Don’t be- lieve everything you hear. Discuss finances later.
Wishing Tonya King a happy 50th birthday were: Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wimbush, Tavaris Jones and Yvette Stuckey.
Each year during the Thanksgiving holidays, Donatello’s Restaurant closes its doors and provides free meals to the public. Shown enjoying the meal are: Ryan, Rylie, Emly, Kyliem, Angie and Juanni.

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