Page 24 - Florida Sentinel 5-13-16 Online Edition
P. 24
Polk County News
National Teacher Appreciation Month The month of May is Na-
tional Teacher Appreciation Month. Parents and stu- dents... remember to show your appreciation to those who sow academic seeds of growth.
Celebrating 4th Year Of Service
On April 17th, the congrega- tion of Bartow Church of God by Faith, Elder Joe Powell, Pastor, celebrated in their 4th Church Anniversary. Elder Derrick Blue served as Mas- ter of Ceremony. The celebra- tion opened with Praise and Worship led by The Bartow By Faith Praise Team. Elder Gary Hird, Sr. rendered the Invocation which was followed by scripture reading by Min- ister Leon Williams. Mother Margaret Faison presented the Church History. Afterwhich, reflections were shared by Elder Powell and First Lady Beverly Powell during “As I Knew Brother John Brown.”
Brother Brown, a mem- ber of the church, transitioned into eternal life during the month of March. He was re- membered as someone who loved to serve the Lord and other people.
The speaker, Elder Thomas Faison, Jr., was in- troduced by his wife, Mother Margaret Faison.
After the message, Elder Powell rendered Words of Thanks to those who had joined in the afternoon of fel- lowship. Among the guests at the celebration were: Martha Landers, Caroline Hird, Angela Lake, Myrtice Lan- ders, Julia Hargrove, Ja’-
Coretta Guzman, who cele- brated another year of life on May 12th. May the Lord con- tinue to bless each of you with many more birthdays!
Happy Anniversary!
Shaw-Nuf Talk extends wishes for a Happy Anniver- sary! to Reverend Van Green and Pastor Sheila Green as they celebrate their 29th year of marriage on May 16th and to Dax and Alegra Boatwright as they celebrate their third wedding anniver- sary on May 18th. To God be the glory! May the Lord con- tinue to strengthen and bless these unions to be among His Kingdom examples for others in the years to come.
Words Of Encouragement
‘Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken- winged bird that cannot fly.’
Langston Hughes, Poet (1902 - 1967)
Shaw-Nuf Shout-Out! This week’s Shaw-Nuf Shout-Out goes to former Lakeland gentleman, Mr. Deaundray Williams and his beautiful bride to be, Ms. Lavonda Smith. Deaun- dray has popped the ques- tion, Lavonda has said “Yeeeeeeeeessss”.....and on Saturday, May 14, 2016, this couple will be joined together in Holy Matrimony as hus- band and wife. And yours truly is honored to be on the guest list! Congratulations, Deaun-
dray and Lavonda!
Polk County Advertisers/ Distributors Sought The Florida Sentinel
Bulletin is in search of adver- tisers and distributors in the Polk County area. Are you in- terested in advertising your business, church, organiza- tion, community events, em- ployment opportunities, etc., in the Sentinel or having the Sentinel available for pur- chase at your church, agency or place of business? Yes!.. then contact me (Cynthia Zorn-Shaw) at (863) 513- 8437 or Darlene Thomas at (863) 513-2178.
Talk to Shaw-Nuf Shaw-Nuf Talk wants to hear from you. Share exciting news and/or photos of your celebrations, special events, graduations, birthdays, an- niversaries, weddings, family reunions, church or commu- nity events, etc., with the read- ership of the Florida Sentinel Bulletin and Shaw-Nuf Talk by sending an e-mail to: shawnuftalk@- or calling (863)
Darion Hird, Shaw, and Williams.
Michael Glenda
Happy Birthday!
Shaw-Nuf Talk extends wishes for a Happy Birthday! to: Ms. Nita McGee of Lake- land and Keundai Wilson of Plant City, who will each cele- brate another natal day on May 14th; and Mykia Mathis celebrating on May 15th.
Shaw-Nuf Talk extends belated Happy Birthday wishes to: Jonathan Green, of Auburndale, celebrating his special day on May 2nd; David Coleman, formerly of Tampa, (now serving our county in the U. S. Army on a tour of duty in Japan) and Everett Williams, Sr., who each celebrated a birthday on May 5th; Lakeland lady Chris- tel Graham, who celebrated another natal day on May 6th; Donovan Arrie-Jamal Jones of Lakeland, who cele- brated his 24th birthday on May 9th; and Plant City Lady
5K Run To Benefit Seniors In The Lakeland Area
Lakeland, FL – In partner- ship with Romero Medical Plaza and T Fitness & Well- ness, the Lakeland Housing Authority will host a 5K Run for Seniors on Saturday, May 14th from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. Proceeds of the run will benefit low-income seniors who are in need of housing as- sistance and other necessary services throughout Polk County.
"This run is held on behalf of every senior who has spent a lifetime working, raising families, and contributing to the success of this nation in countless ways. They deserve to retire with dignity" said Carlos Pizarro, Vice Presi- dent of Affordable Housing for the Lakeland Housing Author- ity. "Help us provide them with a better future and serv- ices by joining us at this event.”
The Lakeland Housing Au- thority is assisting 1,277 sen- iors this year by providing them with quality affordable housing and other services."We are excited about this partnership with Lakeland Housing Authority", said Dr. Carlos Romero, owner of
Romero Medical Plaza. "We strive to be involved in our community as much as possi- ble, but we are especially con- cerned about the well-being of our senior members, so this event aligns perfectly with our mission."
For serious runners, this is a certified 5K event. Fitniche will provide chips to partici- pants and monitor the timer. Tari Terry, owner of T Fit- ness and Wellness, mapped out the course to include Lake Beulah Drive, Lemon Street, and Lime Street, with a detour through the Lakeland Center parking lot. "This run is going to be different, a little more challenging than some run- ners are used to," Terry said. "There's actually never been a 5K in this area, so we're psy- ched about getting as many folks out here as possible."
Registration is $20 per person and prizes will be awarded to the top three fin- ishers in six categories: adult men, youth boys, adult women, youth girls, senior men, and senior women.
The City of Lakeland Mayor Howard Wiggs and Commissioner Don Sel-
vage are scheduled to make remarks during the awards presentation.
Runners may register in advance at T Fitness and Well- ness, 2215 South Florida Av- enue, online at or on the day of the event. Pre- registered runners receive a T- shirt while supplies last.
The 5K event will begin at the Lakeland Housing Author- ity, 430 Hartsell Avenue in Lakeland. Registration is 7:00 -7:30 a.m., the run is 7:30 a.m. -8:30 a.m., and presentations are 8:30 a.m. -9:00 a.m. Non- runners can enjoy entertain- ment, food, blood pressure checks, and vendor displays while cheering the participants through the course. Vendors include Access Florida, Total Perfection, Second to None, CrossFit Devastation, Well- Care, Lakeland Housing Au- thority, and Romero Medical Plaza.
Sponsors include WellCare and The Lakeland Center. For more information on the 5K, contact Tari Terry, T Fitness and Wellness, at 863-940- 2096 or tfitnessandwell-