Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 12-29-15 Edition
P. 11
Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
CAPRICORN (De- cember 22 - January 19) — Relax and have fun today and tomorrow. Get together with family and friends. Play games and enjoy each other. You don’t need fancy frills. Pursue personal ambitions this month, and grow new ca- pacities and talents.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) — Do- mestic chores and family obligations keep you busy. Get productive in solitude. Increase your meditation. Peaceful contemplation this month leads you to discover and choose your long-term path. Include health, spiritual growth and romance.
PISCES (February 19 - March 20) — Invite friends over. This month gets especially social. Share your love through social media. Write, communi- cate and publish. Post about family for distant loved ones. Express with words, images and design. Use your wit and sense of humor.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) — There’s extra cash to be made today and tomorrow. New explo- rations expand over the next month. Follow through on plans. Pay bills before buying tickets. Compute expenses and work extra to make up the difference. Shop frugally.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) — Get into an innovative phase today and tomorrow. Take advantage of your power and confi- dence. Grow family assets this next month. Organize your work and track the budget. Avoid gossip and silly arguments. Warm water energizes.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22) — Think things over. Finish your work pri- vately today and tomor- row. Slow down and
consider options. Collabo- ration is key this month. You can get the funding. Ask for more and get it. Meditate on what you want to create.
LEO (July 23 - August 22) — Reassure someone who’s feeling abandoned. Support your team and be supported. After you’ve paid bills, you can buy gifts. Work takes prece- dence this month. Protect your interests. Your friends really come through for you today and tomorrow.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) — Step back and review profes- sional opportunities today and tomorrow. Make long- term plans, including for health and happiness. This month gets especially fun ... do what you love and get paid for it. Find exciting creative collaborations.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) — Trav- els and research keep you busy today and tomorrow. Domestic renovations next month adapt to family changes. Compromise, and have the best of both worlds. Visit distant rela- tions in person or virtually. Share your adventures.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21) — Words come easily this month. Talk about changes you’d like to see. Win a bonus for not losing your temper. Compromise is re- quired for the next two days. Set long-term objec- tives. Listen to your part- ner like a mystery, for surprises.
Sagittarius (Novem- ber 22 - December 21) — There’s plenty of lucra- tive work this month. Stash and save extra cash. Pay down debt for a sense of freedom. Clarify garbled communications. Schedule rigorously to avoid drop- ping out details. Slow down to get there faster.
posed for the Sentinel photogra- pher at the birthday party for Apostle James H. Howell. The them was “Holiday Glam 65.”
A popular mother and daughter pair, (seated) Mrs. Hattie Byrd and (standing) Mrs. Cheryl Byrd Washing- ton, attended “The Stroll Down Central Avenue.”
The event was sponsored by The Ada T. Payne Friends of the Library.
Ms. Terin
After the Republican National Convention, Black Republicans gathered at a night spot in Ybor City to celebrate. Among those in attendance were: Terri, Lisa and Tammy.
One of the events to get folks registered was manned by: Rose Dixon, Victor Di’Maio (Pres- ident of the Hillsborough County Hispanic Democratic Caucus), and Heather Slavkin Cazo (AFL CIO Senior Legal Policy Advisor).