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Head Lice
Lactobacilli Bacteria
        Bellybutton Bacteria
In the folds of your navel, glands make sweat, oil, and other things that attract some bacteria and repel others. Some of these might make you sick in other places. But here, they could help fight off more dangerous germs. Things like your gender, your body makeup, where you live, and your genes can determine which bacteria -- and how much of it -- you’ll have.
These are tiny little parasites that live in your gut. You can get them if you swim or drink from some streams and lakes. You might also get them from hot tubs, well water, swimming pools, contaminated food, and contact with an infected person.
Giardia can give you cramps, gas, weight loss, sulfur-smelling burps, and foul-smelling diar- rhea. Then again, you may not have any symptoms.
These tiny insects can live in your hair and drink blood from your scalp. They’re gener- ally not dangerous, just itchy and contagious. They’re com- mon in elementary school kids.
You can buy shampoos over the counter that kill them, and your doctor can tell you about prescription ones. You’ll need to use a wet fine-tooth comb on your hair to get rid of them.
Even if you do, they can lay eggs, too. If they hatch, you’ll itch all over again.
Face Mites
Also known as demodex, they’re basically tiny spiders you pick up as you age. By age 60, you’ve got a couple of thou- sand of the little guys living on your face. You can’t see them because they’re only about a third of a millimeter long and see-through.
They’re not anything to worry about. All they want is to eat some dead skin cells and a bit of the oil that comes along with them.
This is rare in the U.S., but hookworm larvae -- usually found in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East -- can enter your skin, often when you walk bare- foot on soil that has infected poop. They live in your gut, aren’t generally dangerous, and often go away without treat- ment.
The creature can make you itchy and red where it went into your skin. You may also cough, wheeze, and have stomach pain. Talk to your doctor if you think you have it.
You can get this parasite from infected beef, pork, or fish. If you have it, you’ll probably see tiny eggs and pieces of the worm in your poop.
A worm can grow to 30 feet long inside you and cause diar- rhea, cramps, and weight loss.
Your doctor can give you drugs to get rid of it. Early treat- ment is important because it could lead to brain cysts that can cause headaches, seizures, and confusion. It can also bring life-threatening disease.
A fine balance and variety of microscopic creatures live in- side the vagina. They’re thought to be the first line of defense against other microbes that could give you smelly vaginal discharge and itch.
Lactobacilli bacteria, in par- ticular, promote vaginal health because they help keep acid lev- els just right. This can help pre- vent bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
Don’t worry. It’s not really a worm at all. It’s a fungus that can infect just about any part of your body. On your head, it could cause hair to fall out in the distinct ring pattern that gives it its name. On your feet, it’s called athlete’s foot, and in your crotch area, it’s jock itch.
Your doctor or pharmacist can help you get rid of it with antifungal creams, sprays, pow- ders, or pills.
The aptly named “human itch mite” uses its eight legs to burrow into the top layer of your skin to feed in your groin, armpits, between your fingers or toes, or under your belt.
Your body responds with an itchy rash. You might get it from another person if you touch their skin, or from sheets, clothes, or furniture. Your doc- tor can tell if you have it, and prescription drugs can get rid of it. Wash bedding and clothes to finish the job.

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