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    It Is What It Is
   Right now, I'm supposed to be angry. Let the na- tional media tell it, I should be
boiling over with rage at the fact that Liam Neeson, the popular actor from the "Taken" movie franchise, ad- mitted to having a strong de- sire to kill a Black man, any Black man, after a close friend revealed to him that the per- son who sexually assaulted her was Black.
Since the comments from his interview with The Inde- pendent went public Nee- son has attempted to clear up his statements by insisting that he's not racist and that his feelings, that he claims over- came him when the incident occurred 40 years ago, would have been just as passionate had the perpetrators been white.
"Had they been Irish, Scot, British or Lithuanian, I would have felt the same way," Nee- son says. But I have a strong suspicion that, if the assailants had fit any of those other clas- sifications, he wouldn't have been nearly as hell-bent on at- tacking the first pale face he came across as he was about sticking it to the unlucky "Black bastard" (his words not mine) who had the misfortune of crossing his path.
As much as it would prob- ably be appropriate for some- one like myself to be offended by Nesson's willingness to
harm an innocent Black man in order to quench his thirst for revenge, the truth is, what he said really didn't have an ef- fect on me. It isn't because I was unable to recognize the ig- norance in his thinking. I just have a full understanding of the mentality that provoked his actions.
Neeson expressed the kind of mindset and exhibited the type of behavior that I've come to expect from his ilk. To be unnerved by his behavior would be akin to allowing my- self to become perturbed at a dog who howls at a siren or a squirrel who climbs trees.
Neither of these creatures are capable of controlling what comes natural to their being. And, as a white man born and raised within a society that places a premium on "white- ness," Neeson's racist ten- dencies are just as inherent.
Hearing a story about a white guy who had thoughts of hurting Black men, in a mis- guided attempt to bring about some sort of justice, shouldn't be surprising to anyone. His- tory is littered with accounts of Black people who were victim- ized by this kind of indiscrim- inate white rage. The only difference between Neeson and those who came before him is that he wasn't able to act on his intent.
Another reason why it's hard for me to be upset with
Neeson is because, in doing so, I would be hypocritical. To be honest, if the situation were reversed and a loved one of mine were raped by a different ethnicity I, more than likely, would have had the exact same thoughts. How can I fault him for harboring sentiments that I would be equally guilty of holding?
What bothers me more than what Neeson has ex- posed of himself are the so- called Black intellectuals who jump in front of television cameras anytime one of these incidents occur and insist that the solution to every racial episode is to have a "conversa- tion" of some kind. As if big- otry, racism and prejudice can be cured by discussions about bigotry, racism and prejudice.
The reason why that kind of dream scenario would never work is because those who en- gage in such destructive be- havior aren't willing to talk. And, even if there was a chance to sit them down, what possibly could be said that would help them to develop social skills they have no inter- est in possessing?
At the end of the day peo- ple are going to hold on to their views and preconceived notions about individuals who don't belong to their groups from now until the end of time. All we can truly hope for is to arrive at a point where we can, at least, respect each other enough to not allow our dis- likes to cause us to bring phys- ical harm to others due to those differences.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at:
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     Who Should Run For And Win The Next Presidential Election?
 ach day, the number of Democratic presidential
candidates increases. And the diversity of the number far exceeds the number itself. It includes Asian-Americans, Native American, American -Lati- nos, members of the LGBTQ, African Americans, women, etc...
In addition to new faces and new names are older journeyman names . . . like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and even a return possibility of Hillary Clinton. Yet, as we said earlier, each day seems to bring a new face into the race. However, as of yet, the person we have in mind who we believe would be a shoo-in for the presi- dency has not yet seen fit to toss their hat into the ring.
And who might that person be? Let us give you sev- eral hints. They’ve authored a bestseller autobiogra- phy, which among other things, severely chastises current President Trump for his unpresidential behav- ior toward them and their loved-ones. Their popularity and respect is world-renowned and has placed them on the “Who’s Who” covers of top magazines.
Their understanding of domestic and foreign affairs is unparalleled, having learned from and advised one of America’s greatest commanders-in-chief. What is this person’s name? Is it Nancy Pelosi? No, our choice for America’s top office 2020 is none other than for- mer First Lady Michelle Obama.
Though her friends and loved-ones may plead with her to think otherwise, we could think of no better voice or brain to run the While House and speak for the diversity of our nation as its true Statue of Liberty.
   Time For A Release
   “Sometimes you don't feel the weight of some- thing you've been carry- ing, until you feel the weight of its release.”
~ Unknown
Empowered Greetings.
I am declaring that 2019 will be a year of release for you. The weight of the things that have been holding you down are about to be lifted. In fact, one of the definitions of weight is, “a heavy object.”
Many of you have been car- rying the heaviness of past emotional hurts. Such hurts have caused you to be stag- nated in moving forward in building healthy relationships with family members, forming new friendships and letting the spark of having a significant other be ignited in your life.
Holding on to these hurts, only keeps you feeling hurt. This year, is your year to let it go. It's held you back too long from enjoying the best that life has to offer you.
Maybe you've
weighed down by the pain of rejection. Or, it could be that old ideas and beliefs have held you back and kept you stuck. Others may be living a lifestyle of fun and frenzy. Exploring things that cause you to be bound by addictive behaviors and lust of your flesh, but yet you feel shame at the same time. Honey, if it has more pain than pleasure attached to it, you need to let it go. Release it and release yourself.
I am reminded of a story about a woman that had been oppressed for 18 years. This caused her to be in a bent over
position and she couldn't straighten up. One day she caught the eye of a man that spoke 7 words to her that loosed her from her condition. He touched her and she was immediately lifted to an up- right position. And she began to give God the glory.
Today, I want to tell you that the same man that saw that woman sees you. He sees all the things in life that are weighing you down.
These things that are serv- ing you no purpose except from keeping you bent over and too bound to release your full potential. Release your mind by forgiving others and letting go of the past. Focus through meditation and visu- alization on what you want to see show up in your life.
Listen, in 2019 you have to release the fear of letting go. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.
Get connected. Join Selphenia on Social Media for some daily motivation. Face- book: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: Selphenia; and Twitter: queenodsuccess1.

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