Page 5 - 6-5-15 Friday's Edition
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Ben Carson You Disappoint Your Race
The Celebration That Will Never Happen
T hese past few weeks have been times for celebra- tions. High school graduation ceremonies are what we’re referring to how many mothers and fathers will have wept with joy upon that day? How many friends and relatives will have screamed themselves hoarse as their
loved ones give them the “I GOT IT!” wave?
But we also know who will not be in attendance. The family of Edward Harris, IV, will not be in attendance, even though high school graduation for him would have been four years in the future. Yet, his parent is already
Perhaps, you heard; Edward Harris, IV, age 14, was
gunned down, last Sunday in another drive-by example of urban genocide. His death brings the list of possible Black-on-Black drive-by murders to 18. Harris’ death was different. He was shot down in broad daylight. Yet, no one saw anything . . . not even the ones who were there. How could a child be mowed down, and not one witness have a functioning eye? The police are dumbfounded, and we who live in the Black community are ashamed.
So, let us tell the truth: In Tampa, it’s not police who are killing our children. It’s our children who are killing each other. And we are afraid to snitch.
Please people call Crime Stoppers: 1-800-873-847. No one will ever know your name. However, the spirit of Ed- ward Harris, IV, will thank you as he walks across the stage with his diploma, having not died in vain.
When federal and local governments experience lay- offs, Black communities experience a recession. It isn’t rocket science. Twenty percent of Black adults work
for governments. In fact, more than 50 percent of Black businesses exist because they have been awarded govern- ment contracts.
Surprised? Then listen. Minorities, overall account for nearly 34 percent of the federal workforce, placing them well outside the welfare stereotype.
When fiscal conservatives prattle about “smaller gov- ernment,” they are slyly referring to fewer jobs for Black Americans and other minorities. Compared to the na- tional workforce, the so-called Black economy is largely dependent upon government jobs and government con- tracts. Consequently, when government downsizes, Black employees and other minority workers lose jobs disproportionately.
For instance, during 2011, Black businesses saw a 7 percent decline in government contracts, which prompted one Black business owner to say, “When the masses catch a cold, we get pneumonia.” Another one percent decline took place in 2012 as well. Therefore, it behooves Black civil rights organizations and advocacy groups to closely watch city, county, state, and federal employee demographics and business contracting records to make sure Black people are represented in numbers, at least equal to their population numbers.
In truth, such figures point to the failure of “free en- terprise” to work for Black people. Overcoming the “good ole’ boys network,” racism, and marginalization remain hurdles that Black America must face in the busi- ness world, and in the workplace.
Dr. Ben Carson has been one of the top neurosur- geons in the world. Add to that the fact that he is one the world greatest heart surgeons and Dr. Carson has every reason to be proud of his ac- complishments. Dr. Carson is known all over this planet for his difficult surgeries on conjoined twins.
It was not uncommon for some surgeries to take a day or more. His work in the field of medicine earned the respect of about every one living. His trophy case certainly began to fill up as Doc was awarded about every award worth hav- ing. He was Black, he was fa- mous, he was doing something for all human be- ings and most importantly he was an ideal role model for Black people.
Dr. Carson was born in the slums of Detroit. He was raised by a single mom who
I think we can make it offi- cial. The Kardashian Clan has succeeded in becoming the biggest freak show in televi- sion history.
This was confirmed earlier this week when Kim Kar- dashian’s ex-stepfather, Bruce Jenner, announced to the world that he has now made a full transition into be- coming the physical incarna- tion of his inner feminine self. A person the 64-year-old for- mer Olympic gold medalist identifies as Caitlyn Jenner.
The minute they showed Jenner’s new enhanced fe- male physique plastered onto the cover of Vanity Fair Magazine, with the caption “Call Me Caitlyn” under- neath the photo, I thought to myself, “Yep. I guess this is the end.”
No need to worry about a flood wiping out everything this time though. At the rate we’re going, I wouldn’t be sur- prised if a giant hand just ap- peared out of the clouds and started flicking each one of us off the planet one-by-one.
I can’t begin to explain how truly insane all of this sounds tome.WhenIwasakid, Bruce Jenner stood right up there with icons like O. J. Simpson, Muhammad Ali,
worked two and three jobs try- ing to make ends meet. Ben and his family were very poor. Because of his family financial conditions he developed a ter- rible temper and his grades were at the bottom of his class.
His temper was so bad until one day he tried to hit his mother with a hammer. On another occasion, he tried to stab a boy in the stomach with a knife. The only thing that saved the boy and the doctor- to-be was the knife hit the boy’s belt buckle and broke. Young Mr. Carson ran home and locked himself in a room and cried and read the Bible. That day made a change in his life.
Ben Carson grew into a famous doctor and a beloved individual. He was a shining example of what heights a poor person could rise to with a little help.
Recently Dr. Carson re-
Jim Kelly (The ass-kicking Black one), Bruce Lee and Evel Knievel when it came to the embodiment of true mas- culinity.
Seeing the dude, who once stared at me from the front of a Wheaties box while throwing a javelin, now wearing breasts, high heels and a corset is be- yond surreal. It’s like waking up on your birthday and find- ing out you’re adopted.
Whenever stories like this present themselves it’s hard for me to believe that this is the same world I was born into. They make me wonder if I was, at some point, abducted by aliens and planted inside some kind of alternate uni- verse where down is up, crooked is straight, hot is cold, right is left and the weirdest s—- you can think of is viewed as white bread normal.
The really strange thing that got me about Jenner’s trans- formation is that, even after the surgeries and the potential “gender reassignment” al- legedly coming, this Bruce/Caitlyn character claims that he/she isn’t gay and is, in fact, still attracted to women. Which means he/she went through all of the physi- cal procedures in order to, es- sentially, live life as a lesbian...
tired from medicine and be- came a politician. This is a change that rendered him a disappointment to Black peo- ple, with all of the wonderful things that Doc has done and how proud he has made Blacks feel, the good things he did, he has forgotten from where he came.
Because he forgot where he came from, he is no longer Black. He may not be Black in skin color, but in philosophy. It all started when he began reading the Republican talk- ing points and became over- whelmed by the scripts. Then, he went to work at that televi- sion station that prescribes to the belief that everything Afro American President Barack Obama does is wrong and he responsible for all the prob- lems in the world.
They further advocate that all the evil things the Presi- dent is not responsible for, then Blacks are at fault. Dr. Carson has thrown in with this bunch of talking heads who know how to solve all the problems of the whole world.
He is running for Presi- dent of the United States, and all the Republicans are going to do is turn him into another 9, 9, 9 brother. You are gone from the Black race Doctor Carson.
Try wrapping your head around that one for a minute.
I know that the politically correct thing for me to say is that I’m in support of someone attempting to live their lives on their own terms. Judging by how the mainstream media has carried this story, that’s the consensus of everyone who’s been approached about giving a comment on the situ- ation. But, the truth is, the en- tire thing gives me the creeps.
While everyone, at least publicly, appears to be ok with Jenner’s crossover, the ques- tion that keeps crossing my mind is, “what are his kids suppose to call him/her now?” Do they refer to him as mom? Dad? Some variation of them both like Dam or Mod?
I can’t help but feel sorry for his two adult sons who, from here on out, will find them- selves shopping inside of the women’s department on Mother’s and Father’s Day. They might as well have a fu- neral service for the man who raised them because, the way it looks, that guy is gone for- ever.
This is all so incredibly un- real that I’m tempted to ask the universe could this life of ours here on Earth get any cra- zier? But, when I really think about it, there’s no way in hell I would want to know the an- swer.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. Anyone wishing to contact Clarence Barr can email him at:
Call Him Confused
Governments Fuel The Black Economy