Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 9-19-17
P. 6
White House And Political News
White House Spokesperson Hit With Ethics Complaint
ESPN President Issues Statement After Pres. Trump Responds To Jemelle Hill’s Comments
According to The Wrap, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the mouthpiece for the Trump administration, is being hit with an ethics complaint for her words against ESPN’s Jemele Hill.
The Democratic Coalition, a super PAC clear in its disdain for the current president, filed an ethics complaint against the current White House Press sec- retary, who said that a tweet from Hill calling the president a “white supremacist” was a “fireable offense.”
The Wrap reports that the coalition cited a federal law, which states that any executive branch employee is prohibited from influencing the employ- ment decisions or practices of a private entity or company “solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders called for the firing of Jemele Hill.
Sanders called for Jemele Hill to be fired by ESPN, she crossed the line and put herself in dubious legal territory,” Coalition Chairman Jon Cooper said in a statement.
“For Sanders to publicly call for the dismissal of a Trump critic is bizarre and dis- turbing, to say the least,” Cooper added. “If anyone is to be fired, it should be her.”
“ESPN is not a political or- ganization....ESPN is about sports,” network president John Skipper said in a Fri- day afternoon memo to staff.
Except ESPN became one of this week’s biggest political stories when one of its anchors, Jemele Hill, called Presi- dent Donald Trump a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself with other white supremacists and argued Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president of her life- time, adding that his rise is a
Jemele Hill’s remarks on social media has erupted into major discussions, and contro- versy.
direct result of white su-
premacy, is unqualified and unfit to be president, and em- powered white supremacists in Charlottesville.
Skipper did not directly address Hill’s remarks, care- fully tip-toeing around “recent events” he said should “re- mind ourselves that we are a journalistic organization and that we should not do anything that undermines that posi- tion.”
Pres. Trump demanded ESPN issue an apology for Hill’s remarks.
David Clarke Goes On Twitter Rant, Calls Cong. Maxine Waters A Black Supremacist
“When Sarah Huckabee
Omarosa Is Among Most
David Clarke, a Trump Administration crony and for- mer controversial former Mil- waukee County Sheriff, went into his patented attack-dog mode via Twitter to go at Cali- fornia Democrat Rep. Max- ine Waters.
He also took the opportu- nity to go at the Black Lives Matter collective. and of course, he had words for con- servatives’ new favorite whip- ping boy, Colin Kaepernick.
First up for Clarke’s was Waters. He went after her be- cause of her statement directed at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, amid reports that President Donald Trump scolded Sessions and report- edly called him an “idiot” to his face in a room full of people.
“To Jeff Sessions, how does it feel to be dragged & hu-
Despised In White House
Omarosa Manigault and President Trump.
Former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke and Cong. Maxine Waters.
According to four sources in and outside the West Wing, longtime Donald Trump confidant Omarosa Mani- gault is slowly becoming a dis- tant memory inside the White House after colleagues regu- larly complain about her ag- gressive behavior and work ethic.
As noted by The Daily Beast, Omarosa “frequently derails internal meetings with irrelevant or counterproductive interjections and she’s earned a reputation for attempting to
micromanage White House communications operations.”
As we previously reported, White House chief of staff John Kelly has tried to push Manigault out, or at the very least, limit her direct access to Trump. But despite his best efforts, Trump refuses to cut ties with Omarosa. Those close to 45 say Manigault is one of the few people outside of his family that he genuinely trusts, which is why he’ll take her phone calls in the middle of the night.
Celebration Honoring Dick Gregory Held In D.C.
miliated? Now you know how the African Americans you dis- respected feel,” she tweeted.
Clarke concluded on Twit- ter that Waters “hates White people” and that she was a “Black supremacist.”’
Hours later on Twitter, he went for the Black Lives Matter
movement—which he refers to as “Black Lies Matter”—blam- ing them for the chaos that oc- curred in St. Louis following the acquittal of a White police officer who fatally shot a Black man, and outlandishly claim- ing that the group is “destroy- ing cities.”
The Dick Gregory Cele- bration of Life weekend event concluded Sunday (09-17-17) in Washington, DC with a pa- rade featuring actor/come- dian/activist Nick Cannon as Parade Marshal.
Richard Claxton Gre- gory – an African American comedian, civil rights activist, social critic, writer, entrepre- neur, conspiracy theorist, and occasional actor – died (08-19- 17) at the age of 84.
The announcement for the weekend of events held for ac- tivist/comedian Dick Gregory.
4 American Students Studying Abroad Attacked With Acid
Four young American women attacked with acid Sunday in the French city of Marseille are Boston College students studying abroad, the college said Sunday.
Terrorism was not sus- pected, authorities said. A lone female attacker, 41, with a history of mental health problems was arrested at the scene.
Boston College said in a statement that the students
are all juniors. Three of the women, identified as Court- ney Siverling, Charlotte Kaufman, and Michelle Krug, are enrolled in the col- lege’s Paris program, The Boston Globe reported. A fourth, identified as Kesley Korsten, studies at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark.
“It appears that the stu- dents are fine, considering the circumstances, though
they may require additional treatment for burns,” said Nick Gozik, director of the college's Office of Interna- tional Programs.
The women were treated for burns at a Marseille hos- pital and released, the college said. Two suffered facial in- juries and one of the two also had a possible eye injury, a spokeswoman for the Mar- seille prosecutor’s office said Sunday.