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No Wrath To Fear
ast week former St.
Louis police officer Jason Stockley was found not guilty in the 2011 shoot- ing death of Anthony Lamar Smith. Even in the wake of video evidence, that appeared to show Stockley taking a gun from his police cruiser and placing it inside the vehicle Smith was driv- ing and after testimony from witnesses who claim Stock- ley stated that he was going to "kill this mother-------- n-- ---" before shooting Smith a judge, somehow, determined that the shooting was a justi- fiable homicide based on Stockley's assertion that Smith was armed and his life was in jeopardy.
In what has become the textbook response to contro- versial decisions such as this one, thousands of people flooded into the streets of St. Louis to protest the judge's verdict. And, the thing I keep wondering when I watch these types of demonstrations take place is, what's the point?
U. S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has already made it clear that he has no intentions of pursuing federal charges following officer ac- quittals in homicides. So, with that being the case, it's
hard for me to figure out what those, who continue to march every time the legal system gives us its a-- to kiss, hope to accomplish?
In the three years since Michael Brown was mur- dered by a Ferguson, Mis- souri cop people have cried, screamed, walked and burned down hundreds of city blocks in an effort to bring awareness to the issue of deadly force being admin- istered upon unarmed Black men across the country. And, after all of that energy was ex- pended, the only thing any- one received for their trouble was a Donald Trump pres- idency.
The truth that no one seems ready to accept is that civil disobedience, practice ad-nauseam, tends to lose its effectiveness overtime. This is mainly due to the fact that those in positions to make a difference have figured out that the anger only lasts tem- porarily.
They have come to the re- alization that the "temper tantrums," regardless of their intensity, will subside and everyone will eventually re- turn to their mundane lives and personal concerns while reluctantly accepting the es- tablished status quo. The tur-
bulence only returning when another gunshot momentar- ily wakes us from our slum- ber.
It is a vicious cycle whose only true beneficiaries appear to be the media outlets who use the discontent as subject matter to fill airtime.
The main problem the Black community faces in this crisis isn't that the powers- that-be are unaware of what's happening. To the contrary, they understand fully what we're going through.
The problem is that they don't fear any repercussions. Like the average school yard bully, their position is "yeah we're mistreating you. But what are you going to do about it?" And, just like that school yard bully, they're not going to stop the abuse sim- ply because we express that we're hurting.
In this world fear (of death, of incarceration, or for some, going to hell) is the only thing that motivates people to act accordingly. And, until we find a way to make those who oppress de- velop a apprehension for the consequences that come with continually disrespecting those who are being op- pressed, going forward, I don't believe we should ex- pect much to change.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can write to Mr. Barr at: Clarence Barr 43110-018, Oakdale F. C. I., P. O. BOX 5000, Oakdale, LA 71463.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
Harvey And Irma Brought Out The True America
nd just when you think human kindness has sung
its swan-song, hurricanes Harvey and Irma, brings out the compassion, love, charitable giving and acts of kindness that reaffirms we are still human.
All races, religions, gender and age groups have re- cently joined forces to say to the world that we will not tolerate hate, racism, or any other “ism” as an accept- able way of life in America.
Indeed, the angels of our better nature have also pitched in to help each other recover from the effects of hurricanes Harvey and Irma by opening private homes to neighbors and strangers whose homes were flooded or were destroyed by two savage hurricanes within fourteen days.
Other often modern Samaritans volunteered to help clean up the mess and debris left behind by natural ca- tastrophes, sawing through six to ten feet tree trunks in order to have power restored to the home of a cancer victim, sharing their precious water and food reserves with other victims, donating thousands of dollars (often anonymously) to help people whose homes had been leveled by wind, rain or fire, and giving hugs and words of comfort to families left homeless.
Such acts of selflessness symbolize the “true” Amer- ica,
It is the America where for every show of arrogance, four others reach out to give friendship and oasis. That is the America for which our ancestors slaved, fought and died for.
Take A Stand 5 S.T.E.P.S. To Success
Part 6
“We must be willing to choose the path of character over the path of compromise.”
Empowered Greet- ings. We are at the end of 5 Steps to Success series. We will be closing out with Step 5, which is to Stand. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Your personal values in life will be critical to the success of your ministry, business and rela- tionships. This step goes back to your character, values, morals, beliefs, ministry and
business practices as inferred to in Step 2: Take Control.
You must know what you believe as it pertains to key areas and allow these beliefs to set the positive boundaries and the framework for which you will operate and make de- cisions. These decisions will be your stand. Your stand will enable you to stand.
Your stand enables you to stand for righteousness.
Righteousness exalts a na- tion; but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverb 14:34) Your stand enables you to stand and work hard, putting forth your best effort in everything you do. Your stand enables you to set the
atmosphere for any environ- ment you are in. Your STAND!
What is it that you stand for?! Your stand will determine how you behave in any given situation. How you behave will define your char- acter. Your character will de- termine your destiny. How you stand determines how you succeed. The values you stand for will determine your value as a person, in business or in ministry. Be empow- ered to stand as we close this series on the 5 S.T.E.P.S. to success. Here’s an excerpt to remember as you stand in success!
Stay connected to Selphenia for more tips, tools and strategies for your success. Follow her on Social Media. Facebook: Selphe- nia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Insta- gram: @selphenia; Twit- ter: @queenofsuccess1; or Call: 813-603-0088 to request Selphenia to speak, MC or train at your next event.

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