Page 8 - 2-20-15 Friday's Edition
P. 8

Public Housing Resident Seeks Seat On Resident Council For Robles Park
Mother Grateful For Prayers For Injured Daughter
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
As far as the Tampa Hous- ing Authority is concerned, they are pleased with the lead- ership Steve Lee has shown since being elected vice presi- dent of the Robles Park Resi- dents Council. However, when you poll the residents of the public housing complex, you’ll discover some are alright with his leadership, and others think he should be replaced.
Robles Park resident, Reva Iman, said she attended the last THA board meeting, and left with the belief that she’s not wanted as far as being a part of the Resident Council.
“I know there are some people who want me and oth- ers don’t. I think my sexual preference has a lot to do with it.”
“As far as Robles is con- cerned, the residents aren’t happy and I feel for the sake of the community there has to be some changes.
“I want to see the people in Robles living in better condi- tions, and to care more about where they live. Just because it’s public housing doesn’t mean it has to look like a de- pressed area.”
Iman said other people need to step up and speak out about the issues that affect their residency.
“They’re afraid to speak out for fear they’ll be evicted. That’s what I hear every time I try to get the residents united as one voice.”
Iman said more interest needs to be shown by Housing and city officials about the peo- ple who live in public housing.
“Sometimes to me, it seems like we’re expected to live in these conditions. It shouldn’t matter if it’s public housing or not. That’s not an excuse for keeping the area clean, safe, and a fun place to live.
“My sexual preference has nothing to do with my ability to be a community leader. I be- lieve I have the most important asset required of a leader, and that’s I care. I care about the residents, this community, and our future.”
Iman said it’s important that the residents pay close at- tention to what’s happening with the residents in North Boulevard Homes, who are being relocated.
“We need to talk to them and find out how that process is going. We need to see what mistakes are being made so they won’t be repeated when our turn comes.
“We want to believe that the staff at the Housing Au- thority has our best interest at heart, but it’s hard to believe that when you constantly feel neglected and forgotten. Some- times, we feel we’re all just in the way, and it’s just a matter of time before we’re all pushed aside and forgotten about.”
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Last week, eleven-year-old ShaTayshia Brinson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Brinson, Jr., under- went surgery, but her condition remains the same. Mrs. Brin- son has remained by her side since she was injured in a traffic accident on January 20th.
Mrs. Brinson said, “I’m grateful for all of the thoughts, prayers, calls, and support we’ve received since this hap- pened.”
ShaTayshia was seriously injured in a traffic accident on January 20th while returning home from Gainesville. At the time of the accident, doctors told her parents that ShaTayshia was not going to survive.
“The doctor came out and told us to come and say our goodbyes because she is going to die,” Mrs. Brinson said.
But, Mrs. Brinson said, “I just feel in my heart that my baby is going to get better. We are petitioning that she will
wake up, and we are praying to the Lord for her to wake up. Our prayers are full restora- tion.”
ShaTayshia had gone to Gainesville with other family members to attend a basketball game. After the game, the fam- ily was returning home when the accident happened.
Others in the truck were Ms. LaWanda Miller, the driver, Mrs. Jackie Hunter, her son, Reggie Hunter, ShaTayshia, and her brother, Freddie Brinson, III, who was the only person not in- jured. The others were hospital- ized, but have since recovered.
Mrs. Brinson was told the tread on the tires separated,
causing the vehicle to go into rotation and flip several times. ShaTayshia was ejected from the vehicle.
Known as “Dudda Bug,” ShaTayshia was born on July 1, 2003. She is a student at Fer- rell Middle Magnet Girls Acad- emy. She is also a cheerleader for the Fair Oaks Rattlers and wants to become a model.
Mrs. Brinson said the doctors have said if her daugh- ter survives, she will need her own room with special equip- ment, room for a nurse, oxygen tanks, and other medical equip- ment.
The couple would be re- quired to add an additional room onto their home to ac- commodate their daughter’s needs.
The family lives in the Grant Park subdivision and their neighbors are planning a fundraiser to help them with expenses.
A gofundme account has been established for the family. Visit the website at f34o.
Lord, Deliver Me From Every Evil Work
Lord, thank You that You have promised to de- liver me from every evil work and preserve me for Your heavenly kingdom (2 Timothy 4:18). I know that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against pow- ers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wicked- ness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). Thank You that You have put all these enemies under Your feet (Ephesians 1:22) and there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known (Matthew 10:26). My times are in Your hand; de- liver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me (Psalm 31:15).
Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him, I will set him on high, because he has known My name. PSALM 91:14
Lord, I ask that You would deliver me from any- thing that binds me or sepa- rates me from You. I specifically ask to be deliv- ered from (name a specific area where you want to be set free). Where I have opened the door for the enemy with my own de-
sires, I repent of that. In Jesus’ name, I pray that every stronghold erected around me by the enemy will be brought down to nothing. Make darkness light before me and the crooked places straight (Isaiah 42:16). I know that You who have begun a good
work in me will complete it (Philippians 1:6). Give me patience to not give up and the strength to stand strong in Your Word.
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. PSALM 50:15

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