Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 8-31-18
P. 13

    Middle School Student Collects Water For Schools
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Anthony Johnson is like most 12-year-olds and playing video games and tak- ing part in other activities geared toward his age group.
But, in many ways, An- thony is older than his chronological age. He views things differently from many of his peers. And, if he sees a need to volunteer, he doesn’t have a problem doing just that.
Earlier this month, one of the topics in the news was the level of lead in the water students drink from foun- tains. The topic received a
lot of media attention.
After hearing the news,
and being photographed drinking from a fountain at Sheehy Elementary School, he decided to do something to help.
His grandmother, Ms. Cherylene Levy said, “He asked me if we could collect water for the schools. So, we approached some businesses and that’s how it all began.”
He plans to donate cases of water to Jennings Middle School, where he is a student and to Sheehy Elementary, where is sister is a student. But, he also plans to provide the water to other schools as well.
Anthony not only col- lects the water, he is also keeping a record of the dona- tions.
The 170 cases of water he has collected so far will be distributed at Jennings Mid- dle School, James Elemen-
tary, Robles Elementary, Kinley Elementary, Foster Elementary and Sheehy Ele- mentary Schools.
     Anthony Johnson is shown with some of the water he has col- lected for the schools.
Ms. Emma Diaz purchased four packages of water to be donated to schools responding to Anthony’s campaign to collect water for the schools.
  Anthony is shown with Felicia Springton and Dollar General Store, Assistant Manager Seroda Mitchell who donated cases of water.
    Ms. Sheryl Kelly, who donated four cases of water, is shown giving Anthony her information so that he can keep a record of the dona- tions.
Ms. Vicky Hoops, of Hopps Construction, stopped by to donate four cases of water.
 One of the Assistant Managers at Family Dollar helped Anthony load the five cases his store had do- nated.

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