Page 16 - Florida Sentinel 8-31-18
P. 16

  All About You
Happy Birthday to our fa- ther, P5 and my big baby, Pershia.
Mommy loves you and wish you many more to come.
     Soldier Visits Family And Friends
Progress Village
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.
September Birthday Celebrants
“Happy Birthday” to past and present Villagers cele- brating this month. Cedrita Siplin-Reid, Rosetta Barnes, Nelson Walkine, and Florence Owens, all of whom will cel- ebrate on 9/1; Jalem Robinson and Shirley Reese-Davis, 9/3; Debra Reese-Walker, 9/4; Jerri Johnson-Brown, 9/6; Toni Filer, Delores Sanders, and Lizzie Ad- kins, 9/10; Anna Blake Mathews, and Deidre Mc- Call, 9/11; Porsche Sanders, 9/12; Jessie Caldwell and Herbert Williams, 9/14; Ozzie Timmons, 9/18; Henry Harris and Gwendola Small, 9/19; Henrietta Sanders, 9/20; Thelma Singleton and Linda Sweet Washington, 9/24, and Dr. Sam Maxwell, 9/27.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Ernestine
Turner, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Jr., Harold Williams, Robert Leek, Sr., Hazel Kennedy, Flora Jones, Clennie McCray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Single- ton, Lucille Beck, Ernest Clark, and Ernestine Best.
Expressions Of Sympathy
Our prayers and condo- lences to the family of Ms. Shirley Coles, a long time resident in the community.
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”
Happy Anniversary
Congratulations to former Villagers, El Rey Carlos Coles and Venetia Walkine Coles, who cele- brated 35 years of marriage on August 26.
Neighborhood Directory
We are still in the process of updating our Directory. We need your help and sup- port to make this a total suc- cess.
If you have not updated your information please con- tact Layvonne Culbreath at (813) 841-6775.
My Brothers 2 Keep Ministry
To have free greeting cards and Bibles mailed to Florida inmates send request to: My Brothers 2 Keep Min- istry, P. O. Box 89174, Tampa, FL 33689.
Hurricane Preparedness
• Have copies of impor-
tant documents in a water- proof folder or container.
• Have enough of any pre- scription medications you and your pet take.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hurricane or a severe storm — being prepared will give you peace of mind when you need it most.
Progress Village Civic Council News Community Meeting
Join us and our special guests, Barbara Pittman, Family Law Attorney and Patricia Dawson, Crimi- nal Law Attorney. They will answer legal questions you may have regarding Child Support, IRS, Wills, Power of Attorney, Sentencing, Your rights/privileges, etc.
The next community meeting will be on Monday, September 17th, 6:30 p. m. (time change for this meeting) at the Emanuel P. Johnson Community Center, 5855 S. 78th St.
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604.
 Recently, Sgt. Nichelle Watson, who is a member of the U. S. Army, visited par- ents, Johnny Watson and Mr. and Mrs. James (Michelle) Harris, other family members and friends. Sgt. Watson accompanied her father, Johnny Wat- son, to church at New Friendship Missionary Bap- tist Church during her visit.
 Sgt. Nichelle Watson is A Tampa native, Sgt. shown with her father,
Watson graduated from Alonzo High School. Prior to enlisting in the military, Sgt. Watson attended Hillsbor- ough Community College as
Johnny Watson, and her son, Nadarius.
a Criminal Justice major with an interest in Journalism.
All Library locations will be closed Monday, Sep- tember 3 for Labor Day.
Chess Club At The Library
Saturday, September 1st and September 15th 10 A. M. - 12 P. M. *Riverview - Community Room
Learn and play the game of Chess with Coach Ted Mc- Nair! Benefits of this classic and fun game include: improved memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. All ages and skill levels are welcome.
  News & Activities

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