Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 9-29-15 Edition
P. 11
Soaps/Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
Bold And The Beautiful - A pregnant Caroline reacts to Ridge’s news. Quinn confronts Bill about favoring one son over the other. Bill tells Katie he wants his sons to start acting like brothers. Quinn would do anything to ensure Wyatt’s happiness. Liam realizes he’s on Quinn’s bad side once again. Brooke misconstrues some- thing she heard about Ridge and Caroline. Thomas gets caught in a compromising posi- tion. Caroline relives a poignant moment from her past.
Days Of Our Lives - Aiden makes a stunning confession to Hope. An anxious Adrienne gets tested for the breast cancer gene. Caroline is hospitalized as her mental state deteriorates.
General Hospital - Feel- ing wistful about Jason, Sam makes a confession to Jake at the Noodle Buddha. Carly con- vinces Sonny to move forward with an important decision. Anna confronts Julian about his involvement in Duke’s mur- der. Carly receives some terrify- ing news. Ava fills Julian in on a recent meeting with the five families. Nikolas and Hayden discuss their volatile history and question whether they will ever be able to trust each other. Michael and Morgan promise
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — A turning point arises in a part- nership. It could get spicy. Com- promise. Resolve old issues for new freedom. Create new possi- bilities together. Compromise and work together for a fruitful collaboration. Share resources.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Begin a new phase in work, service and health. Provide great service while still serving your- self. Discover new regulations. Figure out a compromise. Own the rules. Stand for excellence.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — A new direction beckons in a passion or enthusiasm. Complete the old game before making a new mess. Fall in love again over the next six months. Dream with your sweetheart.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Begin a new six-month phase. Adapt to family changes. Renovate, remodel and plant your garden. Invest in home, family and real estate. Work to- gether on household projects.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Reach a crossroad with a creative project. New communi- cation directions flower, includ- ing writing, broadcasting, publishing and speaking out. Craft your message and deliver it over the next six months.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A busy phase has you raking in the dough, and re- quires extra expenses. A turning point dawns with your income
Carly they will not get wrapped up in Sonny’s business. Lulu expresses her concern for Dante to Dillon. Valerie com- forts Dante amidst his family crisis. Paul rattles Anna with news of a recent development.
Young And The Restless
- Victor calls in the FBI to arrest the Abbotts. Ian knocks over some dominoes and says, “Hello Phyllis,” to her photo on his laptop. Noah asks Marisa, “What is so important you had to swear to keep quiet?” Marisa says, “It’s about Marco and Vic- tor and Jack Abbott.” Abby lis- tens as Victoria asks Victor, “You’re trying to have the Ab- botts arrested?” Victor con- firms it. “All of them.” He looks at Abby. “Including your mother.” Jack and Billy find themselves in hot water. Neil loses control. Adam orders Ian to put a stop to the Paragon Project. Ian knocks Adam un- conscious from behind. “I told you Adam, I don’t take orders.” Lily asks Gwen, “What do you mean? He’s not in New York?” Gwen says, “Lily he’s hiding out here. In Genoa City.” Jack asks, “Who was at that door?” Victor says, “They’re here to arrest your ass.” Ian presses Phyllis’ buttons. Victor takes matters into his own hands. Kevin makes a surprising discovery.
and finances. Profitable new op- portunities bloom over six months. Maximize savings.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Complete old projects and begin a new phase. You’re get- ting stronger. Ask for what you want, and make it happen.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Prioritize that which feeds your spirit. Private inquiry and meditation produces pow- erful results. Make things hap- pen backstage.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Teamwork makes the differ- ence. Work out strategies to- gether. Strong personalities can clash ... soothe troubled waters. A turning point in a community project shifts your focus.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — One professional door closes as another opens. Take on new responsibilities. Make changes, and recognize the value of the past while learning new tricks. New opportunities excite you.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Expand your perspective. Begin an intense expansion phase. Balance old responsibilities with new. The stakes seem high. Gain strength from the past.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
— A turning point in shared fi- nances arises. Close out one phase, and budget for the next. Grow positive balances. Learn valuable tricks from a friend. The next six months could get profitable.
Ms. Sharon Carter posed beside a poster featuring actor, Danny Glover. Mr. Glover was the speaker at the 25th Anniversary Scholarship Gala sponsored by the City of Tampa Black History Committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Reese Elliott provided music for a birthday bash that was held for the 50th celebration for Ms. Tonia King.
“Oh my gosh!” It’s the celebrated “Bucified Bert” dressed in his Buccaneer gear. In real life, he is Albert Owens, a Community Activist.
Lovely ladies at a recent birthday party were: (L-R) VaShon Bryant, Michelle Miles, Sharese Wiley, Deedee Ball, Stephane Staples and Helena Green.