Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 8-5-22
P. 10

Judge Dismisses Suit Against Councilman Gudes
    Hillsborough County Judge Anne-Leigh Gaylord Moe last week dismissed the civil lawsuit filed against City Coun- cilman Orlando Gudes.
The accuser, Councilman Gudes’ former Legislative Aide, had filed a suit against the City of Tampa which had been set- tled for $200,000 in May. But there was a personal suit filed against him.
Several events have oc- curred and transpired since March 2022 when the 2019 ac- cusation against the Council- man showed up again. The initial HR report was made against him in 2021. He was accused of creating a toxic workplace, using inappropriate language and gestures. The former aide and Gudes had
made some inappropriate comments. However, he de- nied that some of what was said was not true. He further stated that he was disap- pointed in the manner in which his former aide handled the situation. He asked that she be moved to another de- partment not under his super- vision, and she was moved.
In late March, Gudes stepped down as Chairman of the Tampa City Council, but re- fused to resign.
The current civil suit, which is not connected to the City, continues to accuse Gudes. As an elected official, Gudes can- not be held liable for occur- rences during his professional duties, especially if there were no bad intentions.
Gudes did take responsi- bility and apologized for his in- appropriate comments that may have caused his aide dis- comfort, however, none of which were meant to do harm.
Ryan Barack, Board Cer- tified Labor and Employment Attorney and lawyer for Or- lando Gudes stated:
"The Court, after reviewing the filings and cases cited by the parties and hearing argu- ments of the lawyers, agreed with Councilmember
Gudes and dismissed the law- suit.
“Councilmember Gudes has been and intends to con- tinue to focus his time and en- ergy on the important matters facing the City, like the afford- able housing crisis, rent stabi- lization, and preventing senseless gun violence."
The attorney for the former aide, Ethan Loeb, told an- other publication that his office does plan to appeal the judge’s ruling.
been longtime friends.
When contacted by the Sen-
tinel in March, Chairman Gudes admitted that he had

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