Page 12 - 7-31-15 Friday's Edition Updated
P. 12

Hello, my name is Raenah, and I’m happy to be this week’s Spotlight feature. Ever since I was a baby I've loved being in front of every camera I saw. I'm all for empowering young women. Modeling and photogra- phy are ways I feel I can send a positive message through one, or a series of pictures. Over the years I've realized that modeling is something I enjoy very much. Photography is also something that appeals to me. I love making art, and I feel like modeling is a wonderful way to express my "artsy" side. Congratu- lations to Raenah for being this week’s Spotlight fea- ture.
McLaurin Family Reunion
The McLaurin Family Reunion was held at Rowlett Park, July 18, 2015.
Families from seven states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Detroit, MI, Florida, Iowa and New Jersey.
Mary, Lula, Geneva, Lonnie, Victories, Brenda, (Director) Jennie Williams, Gary Williams, Shawn Dewberry, Jeanetta Dewberry, Jernnine Dewberry, Burt, Denzel, Myces, Evelyn, Flora, Kela, Sheaquavea, Smokey, Derrick, Dontavious, Veronica, Jelani Dewberry, Boe, Tamelia, Debra, Tasha Cooper, Deon Cooper, Allen, Kiwi and Renea.
Cincinnati Police Officer Indicted Of Murder For Killing Unarmed Motorist
A University of Cincinnati police officer went to jail on a murder charge Wednesday after his own body camera video showed him shooting an unarmed motorist in the head during a traffic stop.
Ray Tensing is the first of- ficer in Cincinnati to face mur- der charges for killing someone in the line of duty.
The video proved to be cru- cial evidence to the grand ju- rors who indicted Tensing, and it stunned city officials, prosecutors and the relatives of shooting victim Samuel DuBose.
It also was a reminder that video, whether captured by witnesses on smart phones or by police officers themselves, is transforming the way fatal encounters involving police are investigated and perceived around the nation.
"It's an absolute tragedy that anyone would behave in this manner," Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said after publicly releasing the video. "It was senseless. It's just horrible.
Sam DuBose and UC police officer Ray Tensing.
"He purposefully killed him."
The video shows that Tens- ing, who stopped DuBose in Mount Auburn on July 19 for driving without a front license plate, speaks to him for a little less than two minutes before the fatal shot is fired.
When Tensing asks Du- Bose to take off his seat belt, DuBose says "I didn't even do nothing" and turns his ig- nition key, starting the car. Tensing then reaches into the car with one hand and, with the other, fires a single shot into DuBose's head.
DuBose did not appear to
be belligerent or aggressive to- ward the officer before the shot was fired, though his lawyer, Stew Mathews, said Tensing feared he would be run over.
Mathews said charging his client with murder was "ab- solutely unwarranted." He said he expected an indict- ment, but on lesser purpose- ful killing of another," Mathews said. "There wasn't any purpose to kill this fella."
Tensing, 25, faces 15 years to life in prison if he's con- victed. The body camera video is likely to be a key piece of ev- idence at the trial.

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