Page 10 - 7-31-15 Friday's Edition Updated
P. 10

Annual Back To School Bash Planned
Unity Youth Football League To Provide Scholarships
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Several years ago, the Unity Youth Football League came into existence in the Tampa Bay Area. Today, the sports or- ganization has four teams: the Vikings, the Falcons, the Saints, and the Warriors.
On Friday, July 31st, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m., the League will provide a limited number of scholarships for all unity football and cheerleading pro- grams. The scholarship presen- tations will take place at their home parks.
On Saturday, August 1st, from 12 noon until 2 p.m., United will provide a limited number of scholarships for their players and cheerleaders at Winston Park Recreation Center, 7605 Destin Drive, in Tampa.
The scholarships are being provided by the organization’s first major sponsor, Ken Stoltenberg.
Orlando Gudes, Executive Director of the Unity Youth Football League said, “Ken has been with the Unity Football League Conference since 2005 and for 10 years, he has been our major sponsor. Ken has provided numerous scholar- ships to our program and next Saturday, he will sponsor a Casino Night for scholarship and program needs.”
As a result of his contribu- tions, Stoltenberg was awarded the honor of being a 2014 AYF Hall of Fame mem- ber.
Gudes concentrates on pro- viding a safe haven for young- sters in low-income communities to participate in athletic events as football play- ers, cheerleaders, and mem-
ORLANDO GUDES Executive Director for Unity Football
bers of the step team.
“My goal is to encourage ath-
letic skills through good sports- manship and physical fitness, and to emphasize that academ- ics and good behavior in school must be maintained in order to participate. Safety first play is my priority, and it is my hope that student athletes will be able to take pride in themselves and give back to their commu- nities,” he said.
For additional information about the scholarships contact the Jackson Heights Vikings at (813) 235-5846; the Copeland Park Saints (813) 500-8851; or the Winston Park Falcons at (813) 270-2875.
For more information about the Unity Youth Football League visit their website at
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Saturday, August 1st, more than 500 students will receive stuffed book bags. They will also have the oppor- tunity to get haircuts, mani- cures, and pedicures as well as gifts and prizes.
Those in attendance will also enjoy entertainment, a basketball game, and learn who won the annual essay contest. Five winners will take home a bicycle and other prizes.
The event is designed to pre- pare the students for the up- coming school term. Entitled “Back To School Jam 3,” and will take place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Blake High School, 1701 N. Boulevard.
The event is being spon- sored by members of Kum- lawdi, a group of young adults who want to do their part to give back to the community and help others along the way.
Members of Kumlawdi Foundation are shown from left to right: Daunta Peterson, Nate Collins, Jr., Raheem Monore, Am- brea Baboolall, and Edwin King.
Nate Collins, Jr., a mem- ber of the organization, said, “The first two years, we held it at the Wilbert Davis Boys & Girls Club, but this year, we had to move because we have outgrown that facility. We also funded the event out-of- pocket. But this year, we have sponsors.
“The Jam is open to anyone in the community, but stu- dents must be accompanied
by an adult.”
The 5 essay winners will also
receive a $100 gift card to a shoe store, along with a spe- cial book bag. The essay con- test was open to students ages 4 to 14, he said.
Additionally, the group will have random prizes that will be given in the form of raffles throughout the event, along with food and refreshments.
Organizations Team Up For Back To School Event
Three organizations have joined forces to help commu- nities prepare for the new school year. They will host an
event on Saturday, August 1st, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Springhill Park Community Center, 1000 E. Eskimo Av-
The organizations who are
sponsoring the event are Samaritan’s Feet Interna- tional, Davin’s Dream Team, and Relevant Church. Their intent is to equip and encour- age students before the new school year begins. Approxi- mately, 1,000 students will re- ceive a new pair of new shoes and socks. The students will also get their feet washed by community volunteers.
This event is part of the na- tionwide Samaritan’s Feet 2015 Back To School Program. The goal is to distribute 31,000 pairs of shoes and socks in various communities throughout the country.
According to the organiza- tions, shoes and socks are in the “Top 10 Items Needed” by students.
Manny Ohonme, CEo and Co-founder of Samaritan’s Feet International said, “This event is an important oppor- tunity for the community to celebrate the importance of education with children and families that may be strug- gling with the financial bur- dens of going back to school. By serving recipients one-on- one and spending time en- couraging them individually, each recipient will leave feel- ing confident and equipped for the new school year.

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