Page 8 - 7-31-15 Friday's Edition Updated
P. 8
Outreach Program To Host Back To School Bash
Outreach Ministry On Mission To Unite Area Churches
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
On Saturday, August 1st at Covenant Catalytic Church, 6212 47th Street, from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m., Rays of Hope Out- reach will be hosting a big summer “Back To School Bash.”
Horace Drew, founder of Rays of Hope, said he’s happy they’ve successfully ended an- other summer program, and now it’s time to prepare for the youth returning to school.
“I want to thank a list of speakers who have come out and really made an impression on these young people. They are: Leon Gallon, Leroy Staley, Wayne Bright, Joe Reid, David Brown, Kim Chaney, Leon McQuay, Jr., Claude Holmes, Bar- bara Tripp, Ms. Sheila, Ms. Barbara, Charles Wil- son, Javon Fripp, Luke McFadden, Austin Hud- son, Coach Dixie, Lea Williams, J. T. Thompson,
Ray Of Hope founder, Horace Drew talks to a group of young peo- ple.
and Tristan Cooper.”
“They made it all possible
and successful. I also want to thank my sponsors for donat- ing the book bags for this weekend. Nothing is greater than seeing the joy on a young person’s face when you give them something they really need.”
Drew said no book bags will be given to any child with- out a parent being present,
and parents can’t come with- out the children to get the book bags.
“I want to thank Pastor Randy Randolph and Pas- tor Alfonso Broughton for allowing us to use their church, and Pastor Upshaw for use of his church for the program.
“Rain or shine, the book bags will be handed out. We’re also going to have plenty of food and games.”
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
Pastor Cornelius Hamilton and his wife, Dev- lyn, founders of True Prosper- ity Evangelist Outreach, are planning a big event for No- vember of this year, and they are excited over the support they’ve gotten from area busi- nesses and organizations.
“We’ve gotten radio station 95.7FM The Beat to be a spon- sor along with other high pro- file businesses and individuals. Although it’s always nice to have more sponsors, we’re very happy with the ones who’ve come aboard already.
“The painful part of this dream is how unsuccessful we’ve been in getting all of the churches to unite and come to- gether for a day of fellowship and praise.”
Pastor Hamilton said he’s tried reaching out to area churches, and told their leaders it would be great if their members came wearing
something that represents their church.
“We want them all to unite in playing games like tug of war, relay races, and a fe- male/male egg walk just to name a few.
“I never realized just how competitive churches are.”
Pastor Hamilton said any area pastors who want their congregations to be a part of this unity effort, can reach him at (813) 965-7796.
Award Named In Honor Of Late Classmate
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
There can be no greater ex- ample of unity than what has been nurtured by members of Howard W. Blake High School’s 1970 graduating class.
They constantly meet and not always for reunions. They do things together socially throughout the year, and when one of them is in need, they all step up to help.
That was the case with Teddy Ricks. Ricks and his late classmate, Sam Owens, actually were reunited after graduation as both served in the armed forces and were de- ployed in Vietnam.
When both men dis- charged, that loyalty continued until Owens passed away 5 years ago.
In honor of his very close friend, Ricks decided to create the “Sam Owens Courage Award.”
“I wanted to establish something in his name that would make us all remember him throughout our lifetime.
“Sam quarterbacked our football team during the 1968- 1969 school year, and was a tough man.”
Ricks said he tried to es- tablish the award during their 40th class reunion but the tim- ing was wrong.
“I decided to give a differ- ent classmate $500 to help them get through tough times. This is the first time I’ve done this, and from this point on, I’ll be doing it every year.
“I thought it would be ap-
Teddy Ricks hands a check for $500 to Gloria McGill.
propriate if Gloria McGill would be the first recipient of the Sam Owens Courage Award. She’s undergoing dial- ysis and she’s been very active in all school and outside activ- ities in spite of her health is- sues. I felt she would be greatly served with the award.”
Ricks said when he first thought about setting up the award, another classmate, Michael Huey, was slated to be the first recipient. However, Huey passed away, and Ricks paused before setting up the award for future recipients.
“I’m very proud to have at- tended Blake, and I’ll always cherish the friendships I estab- lished as a student there.
“This award will not be re- stricted only to members of my graduating class. I hope in the future I will be able to partner with other classmates and in- crease the amount of the award.”