Page 9 - 7-31-15 Friday's Edition Updated
P. 9
Brothers United After 50 Years Of Separation
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
For more than 25 years, the two East Tampa families have lived next door to each other. But, they don’t consider them- selves as neighbors, but more like family.
Mr. Johnny Crawford and his wife, the late Mrs. Mercedes Crawford, were living in the neighborhood when the late Eddie Levy, Sr., and his wife, Cherylene, moved there. The couple didn’t have any birth children of their own and adopted the young family. Mrs. Crawford died 4 years ago.
Through the years, the families looked after each other. Mrs. Levy, who is now a widow, said looks after “Mr. Johnny,” now that his wife is gone.
Recently, Mrs. Levy learned that her stepmother, Mrs. Dorothy Williams was about to have surgery, so she decided to be on hand when the surgery took place.
“I was talking to Mr. Johnny and found out that he had a brother in Detroit that he hadn’t seen for 53 years. I was going to fly, but the ticket for Mr. Johnny was going to cost too much. I decided to drive. It was supposed to be an 18-1/2 hour trip, but it took me 30 hours. I had to do a lot of stop- ping so that he could get out and walk around.”
Mr. Johnny, Mrs. Levy,
and 3 of grandchildren left Tampa on a Wednesday. They arrived in Detroit in time for the surgery. She is currently caring for 5 of her grandchil- dren.
After having a flat tire in Georgia, Mrs. Levy and her group arrived in Detroit. She immediately contacted Rev.
Benton to let him know they had arrived. They brothers were together for several days before the return trip home.
Rev. Benton, who is 96- years-old and retired from the U. S. Post Office and his church said, “I felt real good. I hadn’t seen my brother since my mother passed. He sur- prised me.”
Rev. Benton said his brother is 10 years younger than him, “but he always acted like an old man.”
Mr. Crawford said, I re- ally appreciate Mrs. Levy tak- ingmeonthetriptoseemy brother. I never thought I would be able to visit him in Detroit.
The brothers grew up in Edison, Georgia, and the fam- ily eventually moved to
Tampa. Mr. Crawford re- mained in Tampa.
However, Rev. Benton moved for better employment and settled in Detroit. He has lived in Detroit for more than 50 years. They talk on the tele- phone, but the two had been together physically since their mother’s funeral.
Mrs. Dorothy Williams
said, “She came all this way to see about me and I just love her. She drove 1,290 from her house to mine and she does such a great job with Mr. Johnny. And, her grandchil- dren are so beautiful and so mannerable.
“I don’t know how she does it, but God is with her.”
On the return trip, Mrs. Levy stopped in Atlanta to visit family members.
Rev. Mack Benton had not seen his younger brother, Johnny Crawford, for more than 50 years. They are shown meeting again in Detroit, Michigan.
Free ACT Prep Classes
IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Each year, hundreds of students complete 12 years of school, only to earn a diploma. They are given Cer- tificates of Completion.
The students are denied a diploma because they were unable to pass the old state standardized FCAT Test. However, to help combat the problem, a Tampa educator will help prepare students to take the makeup test on Sep- tember 12. It will be adminis- tered at select Hillsborough County Public School.
Ross Anderson, founder of Men of Vision, Inc., and Re- source Teacher of Student Services for the Hillsborough County Public School District said, “One of my boys didn’t pass the test and I said I was going to help him. Then, I started getting calls from other parents who wanted help for their children.”
Anderson said those interested in preparing to take the test on Septem- ber 12th, must register to take it no later than Au- gust 8th. He further said vouchers are available so that parents don’t have to pay for the test.
“We realize that several students, especially our male students, made the grade and met all of the other require- ments. But they need that ad- ditional push to go back and
take the ACT, along with even taking the FCAT in October. It will be administered at local adult schools in the commu- nity,” Anderson said.
The preparation classes will begin on Saturday, Au- gust 15th, and continue every Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 12 noon.
“We must prepare our stu- dents for their futures. At- tending high school for 12 years and leaving with is a diploma, not an option. We must do everything we can to encourage our students to continue on with their past secondary education and make themselves marketable in today’s competitive job market.”
For additional informa- tion, or for those having trou- ble registering, send Anderson a text message at (813) 404-7160, or email him at andersonmenofvision@