Page 2 - 7-31-15 Friday's Edition Updated
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Mom’s Prayer Answer:
Man Arrested For Child’s Murder
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has arrested an 18-year-old man and charged him with first-degree murder. He surrendered to police on an active warrant on Tuesday.
According to police, Keith Lamayne Gaillard has been charged with the murder of Samuel Elija Clarke. Clarke’s body was found on July 21st at the University Community Park, 14013 N. 22nd Street, by an employee.
Clarke, who was known as “India,” suffered a fatal gunshot wound. No shell cas- ing was found at the scene.
Mother Grateful
As the news of the murder circulated throughout the community, many news out- lets focused on the fact that India was discovered dressed in women’s apparel. India’s mother, Mrs. Thelma Clarke said at the time, “He didn’t care what anyone said about the way he was, he was very outspoken. It didn’t change the love we have for him. Everyone is talking about the way he was dressed, I just want to know who killed my child.”
After being notified of the arrest, Mrs. Clarke said, “I’m very happy they found the per- son who did this. My child did not deserve to have his life taken from him like this. He was so young. I prayed that they would find the person re- sponsible. I prayed for that. And now, his life is gone.
“I am also grateful to the many people who made dona- tions toward the funeral. I’m so thankful to them.”
SAMUEL “INDIA” CLARKE 5/3/1990 --- 7/21/2015
Funeral services for India will take place on Saturday, August 1st, at Bible-Based Fel- lowship of Temple Terrace. (SEE FUNERAL PAGE).
The Investigation
When detectives arrived at the crime scene, an aggressive investigation began and police collected several pieces of evi- dence. They also discovered a vehicle India had rented. The 2013 Chevrolet Malibu con- tained several pieces of evi- dence that included fingerprints and DNA.
Gaillard was positively identified by his fingerprints
by Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Detectives then identified Gaillard as a per- son of interest in the case.
Detectives accessed Gail- lard’s Facebook page on July 2nd. Police located the resi- dence where a photograph was taken and police said the person who resides at the home told police he observed Gaillard with the firearm in early July. The gun was in- stinctive in that its handle was wrapped in duct tape.
According to the criminal affidavit, “the defendant posted a photograph of him- self pointing what appeared to be a .22 caliber revolver, black in color.”
During the course of the investigation, police spoke with four individuals. One wit- ness told police that Gaillard stated, “I think I killed some- body,” the day after the mur- der.
Police said another witness observed a scratch on the right side of Gaillard’s neck after the murder.
Another witness told po- lice Gaillard asked if he knew about the victim in the park. ‘The defendant told the wit- ness, ‘That was me!’ police stated.
KEITH LAMAYNE GAILLARD ...Charged with first-degree murder
After the homicide, Gail- lard allegedly sold the gun for $50.00 to a different witness on Sunday, July 26th.
Another witness told po- lice he had observed Gaillard with a .22 caliber handgun with duct tape wrapped around the handle at some point prior to the murder.
After observing the photo- graph on Facebook police is- sued a warrant for Gaillard’s arrest for being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. Gaillard surren- dered early Wednesday morn- ing and was charged with first-degree murder and pos- session of a firearm by a vio-
lent career criminal. He is cur- rently being held without bond at the Hillsborough County Jail.
After his arrest, Gaillard declined to comment and in- voked his right to an attorney. His criminal history consists of charges including robbery, larceny, burglary, and aggra- vated assault with a firearm, police said.
Gaillard, who turned 18 on October 30th, was last ar- rested on January 29, 2015, on several charges. He was re- leased from the Hillsborough County Jail on June 23, 2015, after serving 145 days.
Larry McKinnon,
spokesman for the Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff’s Office said, the murder was not a hate crime and that India and Gaillard knew each other.
“We are very proud of the relationship that we have de- veloped with the community. Only working together can we solve these type of crimes. We certainly can’t do it by our- selves.
“At least four people shared information, and that clearly shows the confidence the community has that we in- vestigate fairly and impar- tially,” McKinnon said.

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