Page 4 - 7-31-15 Friday's Edition Updated
P. 4

Feature   Message To Community
On ‘The Murder Of My Son Lyfe Lazarus Coleman, The Dozens Murdered In Tampa Afterwards And The People Responsible. . .’
Thank you again to every- one who has expressed gen- uine sympathy, support, love and encouragement to my family and me since Lyfe’s murder.
My space in the Sentinel is limited so I gotta jump right in.
Friends and enemies of the African community are clearly identified by their actions. People who intentionally do things to protect, defend, build and uplift African people and the African community are our friends.
Those who intentionally do things to tear down and/or hurt or kill African people and the African community are our enemies --- regardless of na- tionality, gender, or your per- sonal relationship to them. My actions, for decades, have demonstrated that I am a friend of African people and Tampa’s African communities.
Mostofyouknowmeasa friend from the positive enter- tainment I provide for using the form of spoken word events. Many of you also know me to be a friend because without flinching, I publicly defend and protect us and our children, against our enemies, on television, radio, in news- papers, on the internet, at city council and county commis- sion meetings and community forums, in public parks when the City of Tampa and TPD wouldn’t let us play kickball on Sundays (without harassing us or arresting us), in schools and at the courthouse on the cor- ner with a bullhorn and flyers. I’m not saying that you know metosaythatyouoweme.I just want you to know why I expect(ed) you (our commu- nity en masse) to expose the murderers of my beloved son to me with a quickness.
Straight up... My wide- spread celebrity in Tampa and the small size of the East Tampa community make it a mathematic improbability that some person who knows who killed my son does not also know me.
Lyfe was the first person murdered in Tampa this year. Thirty or so people have been murdered in Tampa since him. Those thirty or so mur- ders are connected to each other and to Lyfe’s murder in this way; if Lyfe’s killers were exposed to me and our com- munity, a strong, clear mes-
sage would’ve been sent to them and other coward killers like them that our community won’t stand for that behavior. That strong, clear message could’ve saved those other dozens of lives and spared those other dozens of families from tragedy.
Instead, people stayed silent and allowed cowards who shoot bullets and hide be- hind peoples’ silence to set the tone for this murderous 2015. The boys who killed my son, their daddies, their mamas, (perhaps you) --- anybody who knows they killed my son, but has not unmasked them to me and our community as the coward killers they are—are not only direct enemies to me and my family they are direct enemies to you and your fam- ily and our community.
They have sacrificed the lives of all the people who have been murdered in our com- munity after my son, by saying with their silence that these atrocities are permissible in East Tampa.
The police can’t stop these murderers; that’s why they al- ways ask for our help. They don’t even have a stake in stopping them. An entire divi- sion of the police department called homicide, in fact, gets paid based on murders occur- ring.
On the other hand, it’s our responsibility to stop these murderers because our literal safety and literal lives are in jeopardy if we don’t. I, as a longtime and loyal friend to you and our community, am committed to making our community better, safer and dedicated to eradicating our enemies.
My son Lyfe is dead for- ever. I’ve got as long as I live to deal with that personal matter. There is a pressing question, however, that remains for those of you who aren’t yet in the exclusive “Parents of Mur- dered Children Club” and that is:
How much time you think you got to make it clear to our community’s enemies, Lyfe’s murderers included, that we won’t allow coward killers to run amuck in our community --- before they kill someone you love?
L’z Up!
To share feedback call 813-810-3582 or email
Tampa Woman Indicted On Human Trafficking Charges
A Tampa woman was re- cently arrested in New Orleans and charged with the prostitu- tion of minors. The indictment for her arrest was unsealed after she was taken into cus- tody last week.
According to federal court documents, Ms. Alysia Nicole Algere, 28, is facing charges of knowingly recruit- ing, enticing, harboring, trans- porting, providing, obtaining, and maintaining persons for prostitution.
According to the Criminal Complaint, Ms. Algere aka “Coco,” became the subject of an investigation on April 1, 2013. An anonymous caller contacted the Temple Terrace Police Department and in- formed them that criminal ac- tivity was taking place in Room 233 at the Ramada Hotel, 11714 Morris Bridge Road.
The caller told police that three women were in the room and would lure men there to have sex for money. Once the man entered the room, he would be robbed at gunpoint by a Black man who was wait- ing inside the room.
Temple Terrace police re- sponded to the scene and lo- cated three Black females in
ALYSA NICOLE ALGERE ... Facing 6 federal charges
the room. Ms. Algere, who was 26, declined to speak with detectives.
She was arrested and booked into the Hillsborough County Jail. She was charged with deriving support from proceeds of prostitution, procuring a person under 18 for prostitution, renting space for the purpose of prostitution, possession of a controlled sub- stance, possession of cannabis, and driving while license can- celled, suspended or revoked.
However, the other two fe- males, ages 16 and 18, agreed to talk to police. Both told po- lice they had been recruited by Ms. Algere for prostitution.
The young women also told
police they had taken nude and erotic photographs of them- selves and emailed them to Ms. Algere, who then al- legedly posted them in adver- tisement for prostitution on
The young women further said that both of them had per- formed sexual acts for money, and Ms. Algere was given half of the money earned. She allegedly also provided the women with food and protec- tion.
Police confiscated a com- puter that was located in the room that reportedly belonged to Ms. Algere. The computer did contain images of child pornography, investigators stated in the Criminal Com- plaint.
During the course of the in- vestigation, police also located two teenage boys, who were ages 15 and 16 at the time of the investigation. The boys also stated that they had worked as prostitutes, had been advertised on Back-, and had given half of their earnings to Ms. Al- gere.
They also told investigators that Ms. Algere knew they were runaways, police stated.
In an article that appeared in the Sentinel, it was stated that Rev. Larry White died at a local hospital after complaining of respiratory problems.
His wife, Mrs. Vivian White, contacted the Sentinel and stated that Rev. White died at home and did not have respiratory problems. The Sentinel apologizes for any in- convenience the error may have caused.

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