Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 10-23-18
P. 8

Public Invited To Share Feedback On Channelside Drive Design Alternatives
Trinity CME Church Hosts Cancer And
 Domestic Violence Brunch
Trinity CME Church recently sponsored a Pink and Purple Brunch which featured aware- ness presentations and discus- sions about breast cancer and domestic violence. Informa- tion on breast imaging tech- niques and a demonstration of self-breast examination were provided by Dr. Seth Crapp (radiologist) and Dr. Dori Russ McGriff respectively.
Recovering from domestic violence abuse and the eight behaviors exhibited by abusers using physical, emo- tional, and sexual abuse pre- sentations were made by an ambassador (victim of abuse) for the Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence (BTSAV) organization and Mikki Petit-Frere, Program Manager for the Spring.
The audience(both men and women),which included recovering abuse victims, breast cancer survivors, and
friends and family members of cancer and abuse victims, en- gaged in lively discussions and the sharing of life experiences.
Two of the informative take-a-ways were the use of a little known and “best” breast imaging technique called “breast tomosynthesis” (which women should request), and the knowledge that the do- mestic violence rate is higher than the cancer rate (one in three women and one in four men).
Guests dined on a scrump- tious brunch and received gift certificates as door prizes. The brunch was the second in a se- ries by the Outreach Ministry of Trinity CME Church which will focus on toiletry kits for the homeless in November. Earlier in the year, the church hosted an eight-session work- shop on diabetes. The Out- reach Ministry is supported through the Rev. Alton Mc- Griff and Dr. Dori Russ Mc- Griff Foundation.
 The public is invited to view and provide feedback on the proposed design con- cept alternatives for Chan- nelside Drive. The community meeting will fol- low the Channel District Community Redevelopment Agency Citizens Advisory Committee meeting.
It will be held on Wednes- day, November 7th, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., in the Port Tampa Bay Board Room, 1101 Channelside Drive, Tampa, FL 33603.
The City‘s project team created the Channelside Drive alternatives using ideas from the May 21, 2018, community meeting for the project as well as discussions with private stakeholders and government agencies over the summer. Existing and future conditions along
the project corridor, such as the width of the public right- of-way, were also key consid- erations in developing the design alternatives.
The upcoming commu- nity meeting will provide an opportunity for the public to view display boards showing different street designs and options for Channelside Drive in the area generally south of East Cumberland Drive to East Kenney Boule- vard. The project team will present the proposed alter- natives, other options, and study findings that played a role in shaping the alterna- tives.
Channelside Drive is en- visioned to better serve the neighborhoods within and around the Channelside Dis- trict Community Redevelop- ment Area and the district’s
numerous visitors.
Rob Rosner, Community Redevelopment Agency Manager for the City of Tampa said, “The City envi- sions improvements that make traveling the street safer and more comfortable, especially for people on-foot.
“Safety, mobility, accessi- bility, and vibrancy are the keys to realizing the dis- trict’s potential to transform itself into a signature Tampa urban neighborhood.”
For more information on the Channelside Drive de- sign project or the commu- nity meeting, contact Rosner at ChannelsideDrive@tam- or (813) 274- 8812.
For more information about the project, visit the website at ChannelsideDrDesign.

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