Page 29 - Florida Sentinel 5-20-16 Online Edition
P. 29

Ciara Ordered To Share Joint Custody Of Son With Future
Juelz Santana’s Home In Foreclosure
Ciara and her son, Future and his father, Future.
R&B singer Ciara just suf- fered a big loss in her ongoing custody battle with her ex, rap- per Future. She has been or- dered to share joint custody with her baby’s father.
If you have been following this story, things have been rocky at best between these two since
According to a Miami-Dade police report, police were called to the Signature Avia- tion at Miami International Airport Monday after Chris Brown’s pilot complained he smelled a strong odor of mari- juana coming from the cabin. The pilot had allegedly warned Brown and his en- tourage not to light up on the aircraft, but they ignored him even before the plane pushed back. When cops arrived they smelled it too, and kicked all passengers off the aircraft, however no one was arrested.
Master P’s spent much of 2016 pushing his newest act, No Limit Boys and prepping his fans for the 2017 launch of his biopic, Ice Cream Man: King Of The South. But appar- ently The Colonel has much more on his rapidly filling plate.
Up next, a starring role in the Philippe Diaz directed An- gola 1, 2 & 3, which details the life of Robert King, a wrong- fully convicted inmate who spent 29 years in solitary con- finement in Louisiana's notori- ous prison before his case was overturned in 2001.
“This is a very important story to me since I come from New Orleans and my brother [C-Murder] is fighting for his life in Angola for a crime he did not commit,” Master P said via statement. “But it is also an important story for the entire African-American com- munity. It has been clear for decades that these men lost their lives to a system that per- secuted them because they
the birth of their son and their split.
While she has enjoyed a new life with with her fiance, Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, she has caught flack for having Baby Future around him more than his ac- tual father.
Breezy took to instagram to call the incident a lie.
Master P in the movie Angola 1, 2 & 3.
were Black.’
Angola 1, 2, & 3 is distrib-
uted by Cinema Libre and fi- nanced in association with AGG Entertainment along with China’s GAIA Studio. Filming is scheduled to begin on Au- gust 15.
According to the statement, Cinema Libre promises that a significant portion of the prof- its will go to the Angola 3 (Robert King, Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace’s estate).
Harlem rapper Juelz San- tana recently announced that he’d be returning to music – but perhaps it’s because he needs to pay the bills?We’re asking be- cause we’ve learned that Juelz has lost his New Jersey condo to foreclosure because he hasn’t made a mortgage payment in nearly 3 years. A judge issued a final foreclosure judgment against Juelz on April 22, and his 2,300 square foot condo – in the same development where the Notorious BIG once lived – will be sold at a sheriff’s sale.
Rick Ross owns several Wingstop franchises
As Rick Ross keeps the Maybach Music Group empire and his Wingstop franchises in order, he’s also involved in an initiative that will help young people get an education.
In an interview with Bossip, Ross spoke about a new schol- arship initiative designed to combat high school dropout rates. Wingstop Foundation, a nonprofit leg of the Wingstop restaurant chain, will award scholarships to employees and young students from urban areas, while funding grants to groups that work to lower dropout rates through educa- tion and mentoring. The details of Ross’ involvement aren’t to- tally clear, but the Miami-bred rhymer owns multiple Wingstop franchises around the country. He beamed about the initiative in New York City while at the launch of Wingstop, the com- pany’s online clothing and ac- cessories store.
“We see the drop out rates. We know what’s going on. So what’s the biggest thing that we could do?” Ross said.
The Game is makin' it PURPLE rain in his living room ... thanks to a massive custom painting he commissioned in Prince's honor ... according to TMZ.
The Game hired artist Madsteez the day Prince died and asked him to create a tribute piece. The rapper -- who came close to recording with Prince -- picked out a shot from "Purple Rain" as inspiration.
The Game dropped $65k on the artwork, which took Madsteez more than 100 hours to complete.
TMZ Claims Chris Brown And Entourage Kicked Off Plane For Allegedly Smoking Weed
The Game Has $65G Portrait Of Prince Done For His Home
Bobby Shmurda’s GS9 Crew Member Sentenced To 98 Years
An alleged member of Bobby Shmurda’s GS9 crew has been convicted of multiple charges including murder and sentenced to almost 100 years in prison.
According to the New York Daily News, Rashid Deris- sant, 24, was sentenced to a lit- tle over 98 years in prison earlier Tuesday (May 17).
Federal authorities claim De- rissant, 24, was the trigger- man behind the death of a 19-year-old rival in Brooklyn back in February 2013.
He was convicted of a littney of other charges as well, the most serious among them being murder and attempted murder.
Bobby Shmurda is expected
Bobby Shmurda and crew member, Rashid Derissant.
to be tried this September and will face the same charges ac- cording to reports.
The rapper, birth name Ack- quille Pollard, has pleaded not guilty. He has been held on $2 million bail since he was originally arrested with 14 oth- ers on conspiracy and gun charges in December of 2014.
Rick Ross And Wingstop Sending Students To College
Master P To Star In Movie About Wrongfully Convicted Man In Louisiana

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